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Sunday 3rd July

Today is a hot day. Like mega-hot. Why don't buildings in the UK have bloody air-conditioning units? I'm melting in my flat here. I look outside and sigh. I might just go sit out in it. Maybe down the canal. I decide on it, and get up. I grab my tote bag, putting in an ice cold bottle of water, my sunglasses, earphones and a Paige Toon book I'm currently reading that Kiera gave to me. I head into my bedroom, tying my hair up into a ponytail, and putting on a light pink spaghetti strap dress that is stamped with small daisies. It hugs over my chest and then flows out. It's short but I don't mind. It's hot outside so I don't really care.

I step out my flat and notice that Artie is also leaving. I look up at him and smile softly. He looks handsome, wearing shorts and t-shirt, showing off his near irresistible calves. I blush a little, remember my dirty thoughts I had about him a mere 6 nights ago. "Hi." I mumble, focusing on my door like it's the first time I've ever locked it before.

"Hi." He replies in a soft tone. His voice is clear, suggesting he's facing towards me.

I glance over and notice he is looking me up and down before turning away and walking towards the lift. I follow him, a few steps behind and waiting patiently beside him whilst the lift opens. We get in, Artie presses for the ground floor, and we patiently wait. He leans against one side of the lift, and I lean against the other so we are stood directly opposite each other. The lift shakes a little, I don't think anything of it, but then suddenly stops, jerking so I throw myself into Artie's chest.

"Sorry!" I immediately say, expecting him to spit something hurtful.

"Are you okay?" He asks at the same time, catching me, his hands delicately on my waist.

"Erm, yeah," I reply, surprised he'd even asked, and lean back against the lift wall again. "Sorry." I repeat, just a little bit more softly this time.

Artie turns to the button panel and looks up at the screen. The little screen that usually displays the floor number is now flashing a red cross. "Fuck sake, it's got stuck."

"Great." I sigh, leaning forward and pressing the red bell so an alarm sounds.

Artie softly grabs my wrist with his big hand and moves it away from the bell button, cutting the annoying sound. "It's a Sunday, no grounds or maintenance people will be around today. We'll have to call for a fire brigade."

I groan and lean back, letting my head fall back against the cold metal. I zone out whilst Artie speaks to the 999 operator and steadily lower myself to the floor of the lift. Thankfully it's not read hot in here otherwise I'd probably cook. If anything, it's probably the coolest place to be in the whole block right now.

"She said they should be on their way between 10 minutes to an hour." Artie explains, looking down at me.

Great. This is going to be awkward. "Fun." I say with sarcasm, almost chuckling. This is my worst nightmare being trapped with him.

Artie lowers himself to the ground next to me, our hips touching because of how cramped the space is.

I pull my drink out of my bag and take a sip, I hold it towards him with the cap off. "Want a sip?"

"I'm good, thanks." He stares ahead, not even looking over at me for a second.

I watch him gulp as he crosses his arms. I notice his tattoo sleeves define into his muscles. I sigh stressfully, knowing that this is not about to be the most fun I've ever had. "So," I pause, looking straight ahead, "are we going to sit in silence for the next however long?"

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