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M A T U R E  C H A P T E R

Until Joy arrived with my keys, we spent the day watching Netflix and talking about ourselves. I can't believe the life Artie has had. Hearing his story made me realise how much I don't know about him. It's made me realise why he is what he is. Why he was so grumpy and rude when we first met. It also helped me appreciate the life I had more when I was growing up.

When I first got inside my flat this afternoon, I pulled off Artie's shirt and got undressed, then went back to bed. After a few hours rest, here I am. It's 7pm, and I've woken up, feeling a little bit better and immediately hydrate my body with water as my face is feeling puffy thanks to the dehydration.

I decide to shower, wash my hair and scents of last night away. I think about what Artie said last night. I lied to Artie earlier. I remember a lot. I tried to kiss him, and he respectfully turned me down. "If you kiss me, I'm gonna fall in love with you," I recall him saying. Butterflies erupt across my stomach as I repeat it in my mind, what has to be, the hundredth time of today. I bite my bottom lip as I think about how gentle and vulnerable he was this morning. How can someone who hits so hard have such a soft touch? I know he'll ever hurt me, like he said earlier. He cares for me a lot and after this morning, I can tell he does. He looked after me drunk and hungover, and made me feel like I was in a safe environment. I dry my hair and style it a little to make myself feel better, and moisturise my skin.

"If you kiss me, I'm gonna fall in love with you."

I think again as I run a hand through my freshly straightened hair. Once I'm pleased with my hair, I get dressed. It's night time but still warm. I put on my baby blue short shorts and vest and walk through to my living room, and out onto the balcony. The sun is low now, but still warm. I sit down on my chair and close my eyes and think about how close Artie was last night, how excited I was at the thought of him kissing me, how sexually frustrated I was thinking about him fucking me on his kitchen counter. I bite my bottom lip. Just thinking about it again turns me on at the thought now. I feel more free to let myself think like this now I know his story. Eddie was waffling, which I think deep down I knew. I just needed Artie's confirmation.

"Hey." I hear making me open my eyes. I look over to my left and see Artie on his balcony too. "Gorgeous Saturday night, ain't it?"

"I thought you might've been at the pub?"

"Nah, it's boring when I go on my own now." He smirks.

I smile back. "How you feeling after earlier?"

"Better. I'm glad I told you." He grins.

His smiles get better and better. I'm sure of it. It's like the more comfortable he gets around me, the more smiley he is.

I beam. "I'm glad you told me too."

He looks over at me for a second, admiring my body and gazing over my legs. It's turns me on ever more.

Fucking hell, Artie, you're gonna kill me.

"You're so beautiful, Callie. Inside and out." He confesses, side smiling and looking at me with so much care and lust, I could melt.

"You're beautiful too." I reply, standing up and holding onto the fence that wraps around my balcony. "You have your big-scary-man persona about you, definitely, but after our chat, I get it. I understand you Artie."

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