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I run over and place my hands on Freddie's shoulders, holding him against my legs protectively. "I'm so sorry! Let me buy you another one, what are–"

"Can't you control your fucking kid?"

"I'm really sorry." I apologise. "He just didn't see you. Let me get you a–"

"You need to put him on a fucking lead." He shouts, leaning closer to me so I can smell the cigarettes on his breath.

"Okay, mate, please don't swear in front of my kid." Tom says, coming over and ruffling Freddie's hair. "You go play." He tells him.

Freddie runs off and the gentleman watches him whilst muttering swear words to himself.

"What you drinking? I'll grab you another." Tom offers, trying to keep the peace. He moves me aside protectively so the angry man's glare is on him.

"Forget it. Just keep your brat away from me."

"It's a playground. Kids are allowed back here." Tom defends himself.

The gentleman grows angry and pushes Tom, nearly making him fall over.

"Daddy!" Freddie shouts, running back over. I pick him up and step aside so he's out of harms way.

I notice behind Tom that Artie his heading over. I lower Freddie to the floor, worried I may need to interfere.

"Come on. It was just an accident, there's no need to get rough." Tom reasons, holding his hands up to show he means no harm.

"Fuck off, dick." He pushes Tom again, and this time Artie pushes him back.

"Leave him alone. It was just an accident, we've offered to buy you a pint." Artie says, stepping in front of all three of us.

"Ah, Big-man, I see." The gentleman says.

I look over at the crowd forming of my some members of the family. Feeling a little embarrassed, I take Freddie's hand and place a hand on Artie's chest. "Please walk away." I beg.

Suddenly, my face plants against Artie's hard chest. The impact alone made me let go of Freddie's hand on reflex so I can catch my fall. Artie's hands softly wrap around my elbows. My back hurts from where his hands had pushed in, launching me against Artie.

"Watch what your fucking doing!" Tom shouts, giving the gentleman a harsh shove. He's too angry to care about swearing in front of Freddie. "Who do you think you are?"

Artie softly moves me aside. I notice the tears in Freddie's scared eyes and pull him away from the drama. I meet Dad who's on his way over. He places a protective arm across my shoulders.

"What's going on?" He asks.

Before I can reply, the guy raises his arm, his fist closed. Before it makes impact with Tom, Artie grabs his arm, and swings his legs out from under him. He hits the floor with a thud, and Artie has him restrained against the grass.

"Get off me!" He demands, thrashing about.

"It was just an accident. We've offered to buy you a new drink but you got physical against my missus and made this a problem." Artie says, keeping him still even whilst he fights against his grip.

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