5. Friday

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Today, we were going over to the Cullens to have dinner. After our first day, I did a lot of digging and found out everything there was to know. To be honest, I'm not going to tell them we know I want them to tell us when they trust us enough. So how are they going to eat?

Edward came back today from nearly losing control with my cousin. She's his blood singer or whatever.

Anyways after school we met up by our cars and Nico followed them. I wasn't allowed to drive because we wouldn't be following them or driving the speed limit. So after the longest drive ever, we got to this house in the middle of nowhere. It was nothing like the stereotypical vampire house. We all got out only for me to be dragged inside by Rose and Alice. Over the course of the week, we all became close, and I now feel this protectiveness over them. Entering the house I took in all the architecture, damn I am hanging out with Annabeth too much, but she would love this place.

We heard a car pull up, and Jasper said it was their dad. The doctor. Nico 'subtly' hid his cut. On Monday, we ran into a cyclops who decided to attack us because we smell good, like I don't care how good we smell piss off. The bloody idiot stabbed me in my stomach and sliced Nico by his collarbone. My wound is almost healed, but water can only do so much. Nico's is still pretty fresh, so he's been on edge when around the group of vampires that we now call friends.

Carlisle POV

I got to the house and was greeted with the most calming sent I've ever smelt. I instantly knew it was my mate. Walking into the lounge, I see them all playing games and talking. "Carlisle, you're home." Jasper was the first to announce my presence. "This is- " Edward started saying but was cut off by the most beautiful women I've ever layed eyes upon. "I'm Elizabeth, but please call me Lizzie." Her voice was soft yet had a tone that told a story. "I'm Nico." The boy said, standing to stake my hand. As he stood up, i noticed a deep gash by his neck. I didn't say anything with the look the kids were all giving me.

Elizabeth then moved over so I could sit next to her. I expected the offer with a small smile playing on my lips. As I sat down, her hand brushed against mine, and I would love to grab her hand and hold it for an eternity. The kids were busy talking when she looked over to me, and our eyes locked, and then I felt the snap everyone talks about. It's an indicator that I won't be able to leave anymore. I was stuck.

Elizabeth's face flashes with emotions like happy, confused, scared, and angry. Her head turned to her brother, and I now understand what Emmett was saying about their staring conversations. He nodded and went back to his conversation with Jasper. Lizzie turned to me. "What your favorite color?" It was random, but at least I got to talk to her, "Blue, what's yours?" "Black." Her answer confused me. I thought maybe purple or red, but black was nowhere near my guesses. "What's your favorite myth?" I was genuinely curious about this question. "I always love the stories about the Greek gods, then again, vampires and werewolves always drew me in as well." Her answer was honest yet so unnerving. "What about your favorite animal?" She asked. "I love mountain lions." Emmett chuckled at my answer.


A bit later we were all in our living room after eating, which was torture, we were watching a movie Rose and Emmett sat next to each other so did Jasper and Alice, Nico and Lizzie sat together with me on her other side and Edward a bit away from me. If I am being honest, I wasn't paying any mind to the film. My mate had all my attention. Midway through the film, she started to sway a bit, and a few minutes later, her soft head landed on my shoulder.

I was freaking out inside, trying to keep an unbothered facade. After a few more films, Nico announced that they should leave, Rose quickly shot back that it was far too late, and they should stay over. After a few minutes of convincing, he agreed and picked up Elizabeth. I began leading him to the guest room.

Bidding him a good night and leaving my perfect mate, I leave to my office to think.

Elizabeth POV

Something that I hate about being a half-blood is that I wake with the sun. It was the curse I got when Apollo claimed me as his champion. So I got up and headed out after making sure I looked good.

I don't remember much from last night just that I fell asleep on Carlisle's shoulder and felt more calm then I think possible. Walking down the stairs I'm hit with the godly smell of breakfast, making my way to the source of the smell I see Carlisle cooking and I would be lying if I said that he wasn't super hot. The man looked like a god himself.

"Morning, did you sleep well?" His questions snapped me out of my daydream. "Yes, thank you for letting us stay over and sorry for falling asleep on you." A blush crept its way onto my cheeks. I was sorry but not that I did it, because I wanted to do it again.

He hummed softly and placed a plate in front of us both. I quickly asked the gods to help make his meal taste of animal blood. At least it he wouldn't hate the food then. As he took a bite, his face flashed with confusion, trying to hide it, but let's be honest...

"Lizzie?" His musical voice broke through my thoughts. "Carlisle?" "What are you exactly?" I hid my smirk as his question left his lips. "I don't know, Carlisle, we both have secrets. One for the other?" His raised eyebrow told me that my plan was working. "Maybe, I must ask my family first," as he said that his phone went off with messages hopefully from his family, "Jasper will come down and help me explain." I gave a small nod to show I understood.

We both finished eating and went to sit on the couch waiting for Jasper.

3rd Person POV

The three sat in the living room with an awkward tension building up. Jasper was the first to break the silence, saying that they were different from their kind and asking Lizzie to please hear the full story before leaving. Carlisle was drowning in his overthinking and trying to see every possible way this could turn out.

After a painfully quiet 5 minutes, Lizzie started with a question about how much they knew of Greek mythology, more specifically the Greek gods. After she revealed that she was indeed a half-blood or demigod. Carlisle then spoke up for the first time this conversation claiming that they were vampires, and to the male's suprise, she just nodded and said she had her suspicions.

Jasper then excused himself, saying that Alice needed him. Carlisle slowly moved closer to Elizabeth and told her about being mates, Lizzie smiled, asking if that's why she felt so drawn to him before even knowing him. He was happy with this news and nodded, explaining all there was to know about mates. After that, Carlisle voiced his biggest concerns, asking, "I understand that this is big, but please just give me a chance?" To which all he got was a hug from her, complaining that it wasn't an answer Liz mumbled a, of course. "Can we take it slow?" Her honey like voice ran through his ears. He simply nodded, thinking to himself how lucky he was.


What will happen now?
Will it all be ok?

Leave a comment on what nickname I should call Carlisle. And who you think are the other mate's.

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