6. Baseball ∆

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Baseball has always been one of Lizzie's favorite sports, and being able to watch her boyfriend play would be amazing. Carlisle and Liz started dating after their first date, but before that, they had to break the news to Nico.

Nico's reaction was... interesting... he was ok with it but threatened Carlisle so much that the poor vampire was past terrified. Then Lizzie had to break the news to all on Olympus and all her friends. They all had pretty much the same reaction as Nico.

Carlisle is a man who loves classics, a restaurant first date, love letters, roses, dancing under the stars, etc. Lizzie adored that in him and loves those things as well but also loves the late night movies, picnic, car drives, hiking, sport, dancing in the rain, and getting soaked. They are perfect for each other.

The first date was one better than any movie could portray, it was at his house because they're a secret but, candles were the only light source, soft music from a speaker, food for both of them because she could make him eat (which she couldn't do for the others), dancing and talking. It clicked all the boxes.

But today was the type of 'date' that got her nervous. What would the rest of them think? She knew that Bella was coming after she found out a few days ago. Rose and Jasper didn't like the fact, and to be honest, neither did she. Bella just wanted immortality and was using Edward to obtain it. Edward was to deep in Bella's trap to see the bullshit. Alice and Esme were to stubborn to admit it and Carlisle was to focused on Lizzie to realise.

The two rules Elizabeth made when she started dating Carlisle were that no one could know about what Nico and she are and no one knows about Carlisle and her yet.

Liz knew that if they went public, it would draw to much attention to her and the Cullens. The age gap was big. She was 17, and Carlisle looked 23. They didn't go off his real age because that's gross.

Rose's POV

Today, there was a thunderstorm coming, so my family decided that a baseball game was long overdue and to invite Lizzie and the human. Esme keps asking me why I love Lizzie but hate Bella. The answer is simple, Lizzie isn't dating Carlisle to become immortal she's dating him because she likes him. Bella isn't Edward's mate but claims to love him, and he's falling for it. She just wants immortality.

Jasper also dislikes Bella. She injures herself every time we're with her, and little Edward comes to the rescue again. For some reason Jasper and I are the closest with Liz, we share a sibling bond, Jasper let down his walls with her and allowed her into his room which only Alice, Carlisle and Esme can enter. I shared my past with her and she opened up telling me about her past, how she got kidnapped and the kidnapper did somethings with her, how she met Thalia, Luke and Annabeth running away from him, how she died and became a tree for years, how Luke betrayed them, the war, the prophecy about her being a queen of life and death.

She shared this all with Carlisle, Jasper, and I one night.

Jasper POV

We were at the clearing that we played in when Edward and Isabella arrived. Carlisle and Liz were talking by the car they came in, Alice hugged Bella, and Esme instructed her to be umpire. Lizzie wasn't playing because she didn't want Bella to know what she was. Rose bats first and is out. I felt the tension in the air stiffen more. Next was Carlisle, but he first kissed Liz on the cheek. He ran, I batted next, and I heard Lizzie make a comment on how it was basically team Blonde and Brunette. Chuckling at her statement along with the rest of my family, I bat, and Emmett climbs a tree, catching my ball.

"Stop!" My mates voice rings through the air. "They heard us playing, and it changed their path." She explained, and we all understood. Edward instructed Isabella to put her hair down and Rose made a comment on how she could smell her across the field. Liz put her hair in a bun and took Jasper's hat and put it on, Carlisle hated the idea, but it would mask her scent. Rose swapped jackets, and we all got into a formation. Liz stood next to me as Alice was covering Bella with Edward.

In the few seconds they were talking, everything went wrong.

A light breeze picked Bella's scent, and James smelt her. He's a hunter, and he won't stop until one of the two humans dies. Elizabeth is being carried home by Carlisle, Rose, and I not too far behind.

Lizzie's POV

Everything went to shit when that James dude smelt Isabella's scent. Carlisle told me he was a hunter, meaning he would hunt Bella and I until he killed us or he was killed. How fun.

I called Nico explaining the situation, and we decided to head to Phoenix with Bella. Carlisle kept apologizing and blaming himself, "Carlisle, hun, it isn't your fault. How were you to know?" I ask, trying to calm him down. "You're in danger now." He said, regret showing. I put my hands around his waist and pull him into a hug. "Call." That was the last word of said to him. I kissed his cheek and joined Nico in the car.

Bella POV

We arrived at a hotel in Pheonix and booked the room. After a few hours of waiting for Edward to call, I gave up. Nico and Liz have been sitting and chatting with Jasper since we got here.

Alice then got pulled into a vision. She started drawing my old ballet studio. We spoke about it, and Edward called, saying he was on his way here. We all then packed up, and I got a call for my mom, James had her at the studio and was going to kill her.

I snuck out well aware that Liz knew what I was doing. She always did. I got in a cab and drove off.

Lizzie POV

Fuck sake Bella, I mean could she get more selfish? When I saw her walk away I knew where she was going. She was going to get us all killed. As Nico and I arrived at the studio after running ahead of the two vampires, we enter to see Bella get thrown across the room into a mirror. James broke her leg and Edward arrived. James somehow got ahold of me and flung me into a window and I landed in a pile of mirror and broken glass.

The rest of the family then arrived not before Bella, Nico and I got bit. The bite hurt like shit and it felt as if my arm was melting. Carlisle sucked the blood out of my brother and my arms as Edward did Bella.

I woke in a hospital room Carlisle sitting next to me looking at me in thought. I leaned over slowly and softly kissed his cheek. He slowly smiled at me pulling me into a tight embrace. Not soon after Rose and Jas enter beaming, I pull them into a hug. We sit talking before a nurse kicked them out, needing to check on me.

I had a broken wrist but it would soon heal thanks to ambrosia.


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