17. Truma ∆

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"To bite you after you have become one of us?" I nod. "You will become a vampire-goddess, my dear. You will not need to feed as they do, but you could if you would like. It should work. Have you mentioned this to your fathers?" I froze at Athena's question. I brought it up with Hades, but I knew Zeus and Posideon would have more... colorful opinions.. with the situation.

"Just Hades." I answered softly. Athena hummed, "What did he say?"
"To follow my heart and if I truly love them to do it regardless of what my other two fathers say." I simplified. He said a lot more than that, but our conversation took over three hours. "I must say, I wholeheartedly agree with my uncle on this. I have not seen you this happy in a long time, Lizzie. I missed seeing that beautiful smile of yours and hearing you laugh." She admitted. I smiled at her, proving her point.

After I came back, I was required to train again. Not that I'm complaining. It took my mind off what had happened before I fell. Thalia and I would train and train in order to keep the tortuous images that were burnt into our minds at bay. To keep us sain. All the gods/goddesses knew we went through something while on the run, but only a few knew to what extent our kidnapper went. Only some have seen the scars, not just on my body but those in my mind.


Running through the forest, I've come to resent. I hear his voice calling out for us again. I knew it was only a matter of time before he found us. We would be punished for trying to escape again. "I'm scared, Lizzie." Annabeth's voice said. Her face filled with fear, an emotion that seemed to never leave. "We'll get out of her. Our parents will help. They have to. They are gods." Luke said, but we all knew our parents didn't even know our whereabouts. We would have to save ourselves.


Gasping for air, I sat up. Tears streaming down my cheeks that could very well rival rivers. "Lizzy?" A voice said. My breathing was a mess alone with my mind. "My love?" Another voice said. I curled into a ball to shield myself from the blows, I wouldn't survive another beating.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. "For what, Tesoro?" A different voice asked. "Please, I'm sorry." I screamed, "Please don't hurt me." I cried out. A hand touched my arm, causing me to move back into my headboard

Marcus POV:

We were talking about the news Elizabeth had told us when we heard her mutter something. Glancing at her, I saw her grip on her sheets tighten. Tears fell from her eyes as she squirmed. "What's going on?" Aro asked, walking back from the bathroom where he was previously changing.

I was about to explain when I was cut off by a Blood-curdling scream coming from our mate. Rushing to her side, all of my gasped at the river of tears escaping her closed eyes.

She shot up gasping for air. "Lizzy?" Cauis asks, concern plastered on his face. A similar fave on the rest of us. Her breathing quickened at hearing his voice. "My love?" Carlisle tried his voice soft and filled with love. She moves, sitting herself in a position similar to a ball, as if trying to protect herself. For what? "I'm sorry." Her mumbles sounded broken, shattering my heart. "For what, Tesoro?" I spoke. My normally calm demeanor vanishing into pure fear. What did she dream? "Please, I'm sorry." Her screams startled me, her voice broken. "Please don't hurt me." She whispered. Aro reached for her arm only for her to fling herself into her headboard.

The door slammed open, revealing a worried Nico and a man we hadn't met yet rushing in. The man I'm assuming is her father. "What's wrong?" Aro questioned, running a hand through his hair. "She's having a nightmare." Nico explained. "A nightmare?" Caius asked, shocked. "Of what?" Carlisle added. "The worst years of her life." Her father answered, bringing his daughter towards him, mumbling something I couldn't catch. Nico claimed on the bed, hugging her as her sobs filled the tens air. "I'm sorry." I whispered. I saw how her brother's and father's eyes darkened at her apologies. Before returning to whisper calming words into her ear

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