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The soldiers made way for Terra like that old Red Sea tale. The girl entered the Commander's Hall with a bearing worthy of the Queen of the Forest. Two wolves, the ligeress and the fox behind her, following in her wake and leaving a trail of dry mouths from others around.

"I heard the Skaikru was ready," Coriane said once she found herself in front of the Commander's throne.
"That's right. We let him escape at night," the other woman replied with a slight nod. "We owe this success to you, Terra, you were a great help," Lexa rose from her throne, and gracefully descended the steps to stand in front of the chestnut. "I'm sorry about your wolf."

Just for a second she felt the bile in her throat and the burning in her eyes, just for a second before she recovered and made sure that no one could see that small lapse of pain across her face. Anouk had resisted as long as he could, but in the end, neither Nyko nor Odeya could do anything for him. The wolf died in her arms, while Coriane sang to him and stroked his fur, surrounded by his pack. Coriane hadn't dared to cry since his body was burned, let alone now.

"Skaikru will be sorry too. I'll make sure of that."

Lexa smiled sideways and nodded at the woman's words, then returned to her throne.

"I will send Anya's army tomorrow at sunset, I would be honored if Skaiheda would join the battle."

Before Coriane could respond, a faint, but at the same time, loud whisper invaded her head in an annoying and slightly painful manner.

"It's not your time."

She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and brought a hand to her head, there were few times the spirits spoke to her, and having her abilities not so well developed yet, every time they did, it meant great pain. Spirits were divine beings, their power could fry the human mind in a matter of seconds, with a whisper even simpler than the one she had just experienced, that was why the Elementa were the only ones capable of opening their minds to such power, and even if it hurt, she felt the power running from the tips of her toes to her head.

Aren, who as always, had been following in her footsteps from behind, hurried to her side and made sure that the girl was not going to faint, for on one of the few previous occasions when she had had "communication" with the spirits, the power had been too strong and she had fallen unconscious.

Coriane hurried to pull herself together and reassure the man that she was fine. She felt a thick liquid run down her nostrils, and as it reached the edge of her mouth, she tasted the tang of blood. Coriane wiped the black stream with her shirt sleeve and took a deep breath to look at the Commander.

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