T E N . T W O

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Tondc was now filled with the representatives of the Coalition. The 12 Clans gathered in Trikru territory in a historic manner.
Coriane was the only Elementa present, now more than ever playing her role as part of the Commanders circle.
Before she had to enter the Coalition meeting, she decided to stay outside with her group to drink Odeya's rose tea. Enjoy a little before the full-on madness began.

"Shouldn't you be with Lexa?" Jensen asked.
"I should," the brunette laughed a little.
"Coriane," behind her, Isaac's familiar voice called out to her. She turned to look at him with an eyebrow raised, and the other four left their conversation and their tea to look at the blond in a serious and threatening manner, even his sister gave him a warning look. The boy rolled his eyes and sighed, correcting his mistake. "Terra."

Coriane smirked sideways, nodding her head to give him permission to continue.

"The meeting is about to begin and neither Lexa nor Clarke showed up, Indra asks if Astrid can go search the forest for them while she and Kane distract the others."

All five of them sitting around the fire frowned and looked at each other. Astrid, at hearing her name, had raised her head and looked at Coriane waiting for an order. The girl nodded towards the blond and after he walked away, she turned to the others.

"Am I the only one who doesn't like this?" She asked amidst the silence, receiving shakes of heads from her companions. "Aren, Jensen, come with me. Krista and Deya, if there's any news of Clarke and Lexa, send Pax after me."

The two girls nodded and the two boys rose to do the bidding. They walked together with the girl to the forest, and once there, they stopped and Coriane made a whistled call. It took only two minutes for the wolves, Akira and Ankor, to appear.
Each boy went with an instructed wolf to track Clarke and Lexa, while Astrid and Coriane took another path to do the same.

Not long into the search, Astrid suddenly began to growl and for a second Coriane thought she had found something, but the light in the sky told her something different. She didn't have the slightest time to react when the missile was already hitting the ground, Astrid had tried to move her and carry her deeper into the forest by biting her clothes, but in the end the explosion reached them, and although for the ligeress her enormous weight and the tree that served as a support was enough, Coriane wasn't so lucky.
The blast sent her flying, causing her to hit her head and be briefly knocked unconscious.

When she regained consciousness, the first thing she heard when she woke up was an annoying ringing in her ear, all other sounds were vague and garbled. There was something moving her, nudging her. When she opened her eyes, her vision was blurry, with only a glowing light a few feet away and a blurry figure beside her. It wasn't until she could finally focus on her surroundings that she realized the light was fire, and the figure; Astrid.
The feline was desperately trying to lift Coriane, she was screeching and pawing at her, and in her black eyes she could see nothing but desperation and fear. For an animal as big as Astrid, those two things were almost illogical.

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