S E V E N . T W O

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Trikru waited patiently for Sakirku to arrive at the table. Well, patient as far as the word went.

Beside her, Isaac had been growling like an animal and complaining about the delay of the guests.
Not all were missing. Octavia and Lincoln were already in their respective places, standing, Lincoln in front of Jensen and Octavia in front of Aren.

Coriane was finding it incredibly difficult not to look at her brother, especially when she felt his constant gaze on her.
Luckily for the girl, Skaikru finally appeared and each of its members took their places in front of their people. Bellamy positioned himself in front of her and when their eyes met, the boy gave a slight nod of his head. After a few seconds of watching him up and down, Coriane also returned the gesture.

"Commander, accept this gift, please," Marcus Kane spoke, pulling what appeared to be a bottle out of a cloth wrapper. "We drink this on special occasions. And well, we thought this particular one was fit."

Gustus took the bottle from Kane's hands and held it out to Lexa, but before the girl could utter a "thank you," a snort stole the show. Jensen was looking at the man in disgust, as were Krista and Aren, and though Odeya tried to hide her annoyance, it didn't come off so well, but she was too polite and kind to show it.

"Is everything... alright?" Marcus questioned, looking from the four grounders to the Commander.
"I can see how little respect you invaders have for our Terra," Jensen spat, with nothing but anger in his voice.
"I beg your pardon?" Marcus asked with visible confusion.

Coriane decided to interrupt before Marcus' question ended up angering her companions more than they already were, and raising a hand in the direction of the four, she managed to silence them.

"Calm down. It's all right. The liquor's for everyone, isn't it?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, and when Marcus nodded, nervously, she smiled with her mouth shut. "Besides, they'll have time to learn to respect our culture once everything is sealed, I'm sure we'll be able to educate them well."

Isaac snorted at her other side, but with a threatening look from Coriane, he fell silent.

"Thank you, Marcus of the Sky People," Lexa spoke after the silence. "And Terra is right, there will be time for lessons."
"You're welcome, Lexa," Kane nodded, returning to his friendly smile.

Lexa called for the two glasses she and Coriane would drink from first. But halfway through filling one of the glasses, she stopped to look at the blonde Skaikru.

"Clarke, drink with us," Lexa insisted.

The blonde was silent for a moment, looking from the Commander to Terra and back again, until Coriane nodded, agreeing with her friend's words, and nudging Clarke to accept the offer.

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