E L E V E N . T W O

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"Isaac, Isaac, where's Isa?" Asked Coriane in desperation, shaking the blond's shoulders so that he would wake up from the trance in which he had arrived at Tondc.
"Isaac!" Shouted the others around him, equally frightened by all the blood in which the boy had returned and without the girl who had accompanied him.
"Maunon... Maunon took her," the boy confessed after swallowing hard.

Those words hit Coriane like a stab in the back. Suddenly she felt the world falling at her feet, everything spinning too fast to keep up with her. The others stood in stony silence as well, unable to believe their ears either.

"How... what happened?" The Terra questioned, her voice trembling and the air choking in her lungs.
"I told her to go deeper, that where we were we wouldn't hunt anything, and they found us. She got trapped in one of their traps and... I couldn't do anything, they were coming, I... I... left, I hid..." He couldn't finish speaking when Jensen's fist slammed into his face.

Aren and Krista had to stop the boy from beating the blond to a pulp as they restrained themselves from doing so. Odeya stared at her brother with her eyes glazed over and her mouth hanging open. And Coriane was sure she had stopped breathing at that moment.

Thankfully, Astrid had arrived in time when she felt her Terra's pain to catch her before she hit the ground.

And while the dream Coriane fainted, the living Coriane woke up.

The only clue that she had had a bad dream was the sweat on her forehead and the irregular way her chest rose and fell, but being used to nightmares, this one might have gone unnoticed by the unaware eye.

Literally seconds after waking up, Aren came into her tent suddenly with a small smile on his face.

"The Skaikru did it, the fog was deactivated."

"Ad Bellum," whispered a voice in her head.

The familiar pinch in her head, the dizziness, the trickle of black blood running from her nose. But the impact hadn't been even merely close to what it always was when she heard them. The pain did not last longer than the words did, nor did the dizziness leave her immobile for a few seconds. All that remained was the echo of whispers.

"What did they tell you?" Aren knew the signs well enough by now to know that the voices in Terra's head had given her a message, and he waited anxiously to hear it.
"To war."


Her face was painted with charcoal, her body adorned with the armour of a warrior, her hair mostly loose, with a few braids falling down her shoulders. Naga hung around her neck, Astrid stood to her left, representing the felines, and Ankor; to her right, representing the canines. Krista was behind her. Aren, Jensen and her other animals were waiting outside Lexa's tent.

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