F I V E . T H R E E

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The night felt good for Coriane. With that exhausting day, she needed some silence, some peace, a chance to connect with her precious element and feel tucked under Tekara's protection. The forest managed to give her all those things on that particularly beautiful night.
Coriane saw something strange, however. It seemed as if the forest had been arranged for her pleasure, to give her a little calm before a terrible storm, she didn't know how to explain it, but whatever it was, she didn't intend to waste the moment with worries.

The forest at night looked very different in the eyes of a Terra. It didn't look dangerous; it looked welcoming, it didn't look full of mysteries; it looked full of beauty.
She wished, deep inside her, that people were like that, but she knew well that, with all the power in the world, she could never understand them.

She took a deep breath as she closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of the forest, one last breath of fresh air to finally return to Polis, no one had seen her leave, but she was still aware that she had to return, tomorrow she would be leaving for Arkadia quite early.

Her plan was exactly that; go back to her bed and call it a night, until she heard Astrid's slight grunt and the voice of the person who provoked it.

"For some reason, I knew I'd find you here."

Coriane clenched her jaw and took a second to calm her high heart rate before turning to face Bellamy's face. Sinful even in the moonlight, with his hair curling over his forehead and tired eyes detonating emotions.
She stood in silence for a couple of seconds more, analyzing him from head to toe. Deep down, and a confession she would never say out loud, it pained her a little not to trust him. She had thought they were forming a relationship based on that: trust, Coriane thought Bellamy understood so much of her, but she just didn't know what to think anymore, who to really trust.

"You've come to risk your luck, Blake?" She said nonchalantly when she was sure the boy wasn't carrying any visible weapons.
"No, I don't think that would do me very well," he shook his head slightly, laughing nervously. "I've come to apologize."
"For what?" Coriane arched an eyebrow.
"For everything."

The tiredness and all those feelings returned to his voice this time, making Coriane try to look for lies in his eyes, for some plan she wasn't seeing. But, it seemed so genuine...

"Well, I appreciate the effort, but it wasn't necessary," she shook her head, swallowing dryly and staring at the ground for a few seconds, trying to look anywhere else but his eyes.
"But it is, I didn't...I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry," Bellamy took a step closer until Astrid growled. When he looked up at the ligeress a hint of hurt crept into his features, but he quickly hid it, Astrid had begun to trust him as well.
"It wasn't you who hurt me, let alone the one who should apologize. Don't think you're so important, Bellamy," she didn't mean to sound or look so harsh, but she couldn't afford faces or emotions at the moment.
"Could you please stop being so Coriane for a second," the boy sighed, exasperated, rubbing his eyes.
"And who do you want me to be, then?"
"I don't know, someone who accepts apologies, maybe."
"Fine," she snorted, rolling her eyes and folding her arms in anticipation.
"I'm so sorry, Ann, I...it's just that they were...I never meant to hurt you, I never wanted to hurt you," again the vulnerability in his features made an appearance, managing to relax Coriane's countenance despite her attempt to remain as stoic as possible.
"You didn't," she shook her head, more sympathetic this time.
"But I did."
"Did you send me here to die?"
"Then you didn't."
"In that case, can I get close without getting my head ripped off?" He pointed at Astrid, and Coriane laughed.

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