Croassroads Carnival

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On the next day, at the crack of dawn. Lloyd and I were going to Arin and Sora's room to wake them up.

"Just to warn you. Being a master isn't easier than being a Sensei, brother. You'll have to adjust to the personality and habits of your students. Try to work with them so they can understand better your teachings." I warned and reminded Lloyd how exactly it is to be a Master.

"I'll be fine. It won't be as hard as you trained us in the past." Lloyd was sure it won't be a problem, but that only made me worry even more.

"You're not Uncle Wu remember? You're Master Lloyd, now. Don't forget about that. And gentle with them on their first day." I said.

"That's not what Master Wu taught us." Replied Lloyd.

I only sighed as we approached the door of the kids' room, 'You'll learn sooner or later, brother...It isn't easy as it sounds...'

"Rise and shine! Time to train!" Shouted Lloyd opening the doors to wake up the kids and Riyu.

"Wha...Not just a dream. It really Is my first day of Ninja training! Yes! Awesome! Maximum awesome!" Cheered Arin, getting up from his hammock with a bunch of energy.

"Urgh...It's the crack of dawn." Groaned Sora.

"Well. At least we know who to keep an eye on when it's time to wake them up." I giggled.

"I know. I thought I'd let you sleep for your first week. Meet me in the courtyard in ten minutes." Said Lloyd, slowly going to follow Arin and Riyu who just left.

"'Sleep in?' That's what he means by sleeping in...?" Asked Sora in disbelief.

"Our previous master was super strict with our training days. Even made us train in our sleep. You weren't safe anywhere with him during your training. Be lucky you didn't have him as your master instead." I laughed slightly, walking with Sora.

"I'm already about to give up without even trying. I wish you were our master instead of being our Sensei." Groaned Sora, still stretching to wake up.

"I wish for that too. Maybe if my brother would let me. I would. But being a Sensei I think matches me better. Considering I have more free will to talk and improve others. The other Ninja keep telling me I should've become a master but I kept on turning the offer down." I smiled.

I could feel Sora's gaze on me, "Something wrong?" I asked her with a kind smile appeared on my face.

"You...are very kind." She told me.

"Why thank you. The others say the same thing! Haha! Sometimes I'm too remorseful on the battlefield, but many have told me it's a good trait to not always have a killing intent." I smiled.

Sora hummed as she yawned, "What's that ring for on your finger there? A present from Lloyd?"

I looked a bit surprised at her finding out I wear a ring, "Oh! This is a ring someone very special gave to me before the Merge. It's one of the only things I have in remembrance of him..." I looked fondly at my wedding ring before giving a genuine smile.

"You never told me again about your relationship with the other Ninja. What about the Earth one?" She asked.

"They're all family to me. Even if we're not all blood-related. The Earth Ninja is kinda confidential though." I replied, "Better get going. Lloyd doesn't like tardiness."

"Right, right..." Sora said before yawning again and reaching the courtyard with me.

"Why are we training wy up here? We're becoming Ninja to help people. Shouldn't we be around people? You know, like in the Crossroads." Asked Sora near Arin and Riyu stretching.

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