Another Cole...?!

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"He looks just like Cole!" Sora spoke up in shock.

The similar male smiled, "It's kind of weird I know. But..." The man ran up to me before hugging me.

"Ah! He's attacking (Y/N)!" Nya went to get him off of me but I stopped her.

"No. Cole, Nya, wait." I told them to hold on.

"Maybe he's just--mmph!" I was surprised that the male who looked like my husband kissed me.


"Get off my wife you creep!" Cole angrily kicked the doppelganger off of me.

The similar male hit a crate but got back up. Without missing a beat, the two unleashed their powers, ready to attack.

"Your wife? But (Y/N)'s my wife!" The male retorted, cautious of Cole if he was going to charge at him first.

Cole gave him a look, "Your wife?! She's MY wife!" He stepped up to the man, "You better back off from her or else I won't hesitate to put you down on your place!"

"I'd like to see you try you imposter!" The male yelled making Cole glare at him, "Me?! You're the imposter!"

Cole was first to charge at the doppelgänger as they blocked each other's attacks.

"Mom...? What's going on?" Adam asked me as I just stood there shocked at seeing the scene unfold, "I'm not sure, honey..."

Being stronger, Cole was able to overpower his supposed clone, "(Y/N)'s my wife!" The male told Cole who held his collar.

Shadow tried to kick Cole to get him to let go of him. My husband dodged the attack as the two took a few steps back.

"No! She's my wife! I can prove it! I have a wedding ring with her name on it!" Cole showed the said ring on his ring finger.

Shadow showed a similar ring, "Well, I have one, too!"

"They're evenly matched!" Geo pointed out, pointing to the two.

"Geo! Come on! You know I'm the real one, right?" Cole turned to his friend.

"Of course I do! But it's just...that he is like a clone of you," Geo looked between the two in disbelief.

"This is insane! Did the Merge also create clones of ourselves?" Nya asked.

"Not sure...But they do look like clones of themselves." Sora looked at the two supposed Coles in wonder.

"Maybe he's from an alternate universe and the Merge brought him here." Bonzle made a theory.

We all looked away from the two Coles to look at the female skeleton, "What? It could be true."

"No, Bonzle could be right. The Merge did a bunch of things to the realms and Ninjago. An alternate dimension isn't an impossible idea!" I soon agreed with Bonzle.

"Adam. Stay here with Sora and your aunt, okay?" I smiled at my son before walking up to the two Coles still fighting.

"Cole." I called out to my husband but both males turned to me, "Yes, love?/Yes, Angel?"

I blinked in surprise, "Okay...That's weird...But anywho. What is your real name?" I asked the other Cole.

"Cole," He answered but I knew it wasn't his actual name.

"It's not Cole. It's something similar to Cole. You're from an alternate dimension. Another world parallel to ours and found yourself in our realm, our dimension. Just who are you?"

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