The Calm Inside

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The fight against the Photacs and dragons is still going on in front of the main gates.

"Arin and Sora better find Riyu because if they don't, we're not going to survive this." Said Lloyd, I helped him up the Light Dragon.

"You're right! And we don't need my futuristic ability to know that!" I agreed before we were knocked off the dragon, to the ground.

We got up and sent power blasts to the beasts to fend them off, protecting the dragons at the same time.

"Eat flame, you bunch of flame-eaters!" Shouted Wyldfyre, throwing mayhem at the Claws and Photacs.

"Not fair!" Wyldfyre was in the air after being knocked off of her dragon, "Got you!" I got her to safety.

"Thanks! I guess you're not just a pretty girl at all! You're cool!" She thanked me.

"Thanks! Watch out!" I nodded before yelling since her dragon was about to crush us.

Luckily, my brother was able to pull us away from the casualty.

"Release me! I must fight!" She protested against Lloyd holding her before she left.

"Yeah, you're welcome, by the way. Does she hate me or what?" Asked Lloyd to me while I was busy blading away at the beasts.

"Nope! Just doesn't like being a burden. She just wants to fight." I corrected before concentrating on one point to blast a large beam of light, blinding some of the Photacs.

"Arin, Sora, come in. We really need some good news out here." Lloyd went to contact Arin on our connected earpieces.

"Oh, no. Is it that bad?" Asked our student.

"It's as bad as my sister theorizing on our potential doom. So yes." Answered Lloyd.

"HEY!" I retorted in the background before leaping in the air to dodge some Photacs.

"I've hacked the city's surveillance network, and we're scanning through it as fast as we can to find Riyu." Informed Sora.

"If you can't find Riyu, you're going to have to do this yourself, without a spark." Stated Lloyd.

"I've never been able to use elemental power on my own. You and Sensei know that." Said Sora, unsure of herself.

"Sora, it's your..." started my brother, "—True potential. Yeah. You and Sensei told me a million times. But what if my potential isn't as true as you think it is?" She cut him off, knowing what he was going to say.

"Stop! Wait! Go back!" Yelled Arin, "What are you seeing? You found him?" I asked, using my earpiece in the air while fighting.

"Here's the good ones you wanted. We found where Riyu is. But the bad news? He's in the worst possible place." Stated Sora.

Lloyd and I looked at the Empress' tower.

"Oh! You have GOT to be ******* kidding me!" I swore.

"Language! Cole wouldn't like that! Nor would Master Wu, (Y/N)!" Scolded my brother.

"First off, Cole would definitely swear too with Kai and Jay. Second, you're right. And third...we're screwed!" I listed off on what I'm feeling.

We kept on fighting till Sora and Arin are back to stop the Photacs.

"There are too many-AH!" I tried to talk to my brother but then I was hit by a laser and was blasted away from Lloyd, making me hit the ground roughly.

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