Scene 28

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We meet Soph and Dia outside the bar, the two waiting for us with Darrel in their shadow. I greet them both with a hug, while Caden nods in Darrel's direction. We then all enter through the door together, Caden's hand placed protective on my waist.

The moment we're inside, people start coming to talk to him. They all cheer his name, congratulate him for the win or just ask him how he is. Caden stops and makes small talk with every one of them, introducing me to all in the process. Dia and Soph make themselves on their way to bring us some drinks, with Darrel obviously following them, so it's only me and Caden remaining.

I don't know any of the people Caden introduces me to. I mean, I recognize them of course. Most of them are still wearing their hockey hoodies with their names on their backs, and I know I have heard those names before. Cheered in the cafeteria, other people wearing their hoodies as fans...It's hard not to know them. However, this is the first time we actually talk to each other.

Every one of Caden's friends is surprised to see me here. And all of them act like they expected him to have someone else with him as a plus one. Involuntarily my mind wonders off to Tessa. It's clear she's the one they would find more fitting for Caden. Her fame and beauty, the way she always seems to be picture-perfect and ready for photos...Just the most fitting plus one for a captain.

Caden also must have noticed the way the guys look at me, since every time they give me a surprised or confused look, his hand rests tighter on my waist and he sneaks a glance in my direction. Every time our eyes meet, he looks at me like I put the stars in the sky. He looks at me like I am the one who was always supposed to be here with him as his plus one and like no one else matters. Once, as one guy even mentioned Tessa's name, Caden bent down to me and kissed me. And damn it felt good.

I'm meanwhile done with small talks. Too much. Not interesting. All just looking at me like I don't belong here. Caden's only friend who seemed to like me was James. And apparently Jacob, who spotted us in the crowd and is now making his way towards us.

"There he is! Congratulations, All-Star!", he says and as soon as he's close, he gives Caden one of those bro hugs. Caden lightens up a bit, making it clear the guy is actually his best friend and not just someone he has to do small talk with.

The moment they let go, Jacob looks at me and smirks: "Hey, Nini. A pleasure to see you here", he winks at me, then throws an explaining look in Caden's direction.

"It's nice to see you too, Jacob", I say, to which the guy smiles. He then goes with his hand through his overly golden blonde hair and points with his eyes to a table somewhere outside the dancing floor.

"That's our place", he says, and we both follow him towards the table. On the way, I spot Soph, Dia and Darrel who were just coming back from the bar and lift myself up on my toes to wave at them, for them to know where to go. They notice it and nod, making their way to us. As they arrive, Soph greets everyone and Dia waves a bit. I can see Jacob tense for a second, then swallowing the nothing in his throat and acting like nothing happened. No one else seemed to notice it, not even Caden, so I just let it go and sorted the memory as Probably important but I don't understand it  in my mind.

The moment we're all sitting down on the couches, Dia covers her ears with her black headphones, that match the black pleated skirt she's wearing. Her sweater is blue, since I've made the two girls wear the hockey team's color for today. Her Converse are the same color.

"So, you girls went to one of my man's games?" Jacob asks, to get a conversation going. I nod and Soph does it too, only she also answers: "Yes, we did. And I must say it was such a lovely experience. We're really glad we were able to come."

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