Scene 32

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Although I wasn't sure it was a good decision to accept the invitation to Cordelia the last few days, all worries disappeared by now. I spent the whole plane ride with Nini, us two just talking about anything and laughing with each other. I for sure love the fact I agreed now.

Last evening when we arrived, Sofia took us to the royal castle in the capital city, Broix. We had dinner all seven of us together; the five girls, Alec and I, and we then went to sleep. Since Sofia took it upon herself to play Cupid for us, Nini and I obviously got one room together. Which obviously had just one bed. The moment we entered and saw the sleep arrangement, I could see how Nini's cheeks went all red. Sofia tried to explain she didn't find any other free room, but we didn't believe her. It was clear she lied. Who can't find another free room when you're living in a freaking castle with four wings and more than hundred guest bed rooms?

However, we accepted the room and I slept on the couch the first night, much to Nini's relief. Today, we agreed on visiting Broix together. Sofia's birthday ball is tonight so she and Alec have to stay in the palace for the preparations. Her mother insisted on giving him a briefing about how to act like a gentleman, since he is to be presented as Sofia's boyfriend tonight. The two are an official couple for a long time now and he has attended galas with her so far, but never a royal ball. Which means the two are now somewhere practicing dancing and bowing, while the rest of us are having fun in town.

April, Dia and Nessie decided to spend their day the three of them, in order to give me and Nini some time alone. Although Nini seemed surprised and worried she did something wrong at first, I winked at the three and mouthed a thank you. It's then she understood they were also playing Cupid for us and couldn't help but chuckle.

We're on the main street right now, the one filled with tourists and shops. Although one can notice the fact it's November since the air got freezing cold, no one seems to mind that. Everyone is outside, either sitting at a café or shopping at the many boutiques. Nini and I have also stopped in a few, one from which she bought herself a nice sweater and in the other one she found an old edition of Romeo and Juliet, with a patterned cover, made from silk.

"Oh, we should definitely go in there", she says, pointing with her finger at one small shop, hidden in one of the corners of the street. I do as she says and follow her to the entrance, only to remain with my mouth wide open as I read the shield.

"Madame Lexy's Costume Shop?" I ask surprised. She nods cheerful.

"It's only my favorite place in Broix", she answers and takes my wrist, leading me inside. I chuckle and follow her, not even like I would have a choice. Her grip is too strong now for me to let go. However, I don't even want to. I would follow her to the end of the world.

The moment we enter, I feel like we arrived in a new world or something. The shop is Hollywood themed, with little replicas of Oscar statues on the shelves, a red carpet on the floor, an old vintage car displayed somewhere in a corner and many retro photos of famous stars hung everywhere. Nini goes with me along the aisles and aisles filled with costumes. There are princess gowns, superhero outfits, but also costumes of animals or other famous movie characters.

"I just love it here", Nini says, while touching the different fabrics with her fingertips. "When I come inside, I feel like, even for just a few moments, I can be anyone I want."

"You don't have to be anyone else, Broadway", I tell her, which catches her attention. She turns back to me and smiles, yet I can see in her eyes how she's still doubting what I just said. To make her sure, I continue: "Being you is more than enough."

She freezes for a few seconds and thinks about it. Then, I can see how her face lightens up and she smiles. She comes closer to me and hugs me, wrapping her hands around my waist. "I love you, Caden", she says, kissing my neck. I meet her lips with mine and kiss her once, only for me to whisper: "I love you too, Broadway."

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