Scene 40

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I'm in such a good mood today after having breakfast with Caden at his place, that I don't even notice the time passing by during rehearsals. Or the fact someone is waiting for me in the first row. Only as the person calls my name and a chill goes down my spine do I notice.


I turn around immediately since only Denise calls me like that. Yet it isn't Denise who's sitting on my favorite chair in the whole auditorium. But Tessa. Caden's ex. Probably not my biggest fan.

"Tessa", I greet her, my voice lacking any sign of emotion. "What a pleasure."

Nyla, who must have seen something is up, asks me with her look whether she should stay. I make her a sign it's alright and she says she'll wait for me outside the building. I thank her and as soon as Nyla is out the door, I turn my attention back to Tessa.

She's wearing a very short dress, too short for the fact it's only the beginning of March. I get that she might want to enjoy the sunshine and all, but that length should be forbidden on a Summer day.

"The pleasure is all mine. I wanted to talk to you a bit, Nina. You know, like from an ex to a current girlfriend."

I swallow hard and clench my fist together. "About what?"

"You know. You. Caden. Stuff like that." From her pocket, she takes a lollipop, removes the wrapper and begins sucking on it. All while smiling innocent.

"Look, I understand you are his ex and all, but I'd rather not have this conversation with you."

She gasps, faking being offended. "But it could be so much fun. Look, I will go first. I liked how Caden would always tell me the truth. He was just so honest with me all of the time." She pauses, as for suspense. "Is he honest with you all of the time?"

"Of course, he is", I let out, shivering from how angry I am right now. Angry at her she's here, angry that she ruined this amazing day, angry that she doubts Caden. I'm just angry. And all she does is lick that lollipop again.

"I mean, we already know he isn't", she says, her lips growing in a smirk. "If he told you you are the most amazing girl he's ever fucked, it is obviously wrong. I mean, look at this", she says while pointing to herself. I clench my fist harder, until the nails dig into my skin. From the pain I feel right now, I know they are going to leave some red marks.

"You might be the most amazing girl he's ever fucked, but I'll still be the one he's made love to."

Tessa takes a deep breath, clearly offended by my comment. The fingers relax themselves a bit, not enough to stop me from feeling pain though.

"You should have run while you could, girl. You should have run away sooner. Now, the victory will only be sweeter", Tessa says, that smirk on her lips again.

"What are you talking about?" A chill down my spine. Pain in my hands. My breath away. That's all I'm feeling now.

She lets out a short laugh. "How did you two meet?", she asks after some time. I want to answer but the doors of the auditorium bang open and Caden walks inside. He's out of breath from running and his hair is all wet like he just came out from training. My thoughts are confirmed by his outfit: his hockey hoodie, sweatpants and a pair of sneakers.

"That's enough", he tones throughout the room, his voice colder than I have ever heard it. It was cutting like blades, leaving everyone speechless. I couldn't help it but to look worried at him. He met my gaze and came next to me, to hold his hand on my waist. Warmth fills me in again and I relax. As if he would have seen my hand, he takes it and curls our fingers together, freeing my skin from the suffering. He also gives it a kiss, to help the healing.

Tessa looks at us, her eyes sending bullets.

"That's enough", Caden repeats, now looking at her again. He's frozen, shows no sign of feelings or emotions. Nothing but pure rage.

"You know damn well it isn't", Tessa says, that smirk reappearing. It makes Caden clench the fist he wasn't holding my hand with.

He turns to me and bends to my ear, to whisper: "I'll be right back." He then kisses my neck. And my forehead. And the top of my head. He also traces a heart on the palm of my hand, the one which is now close to bleeding. He kisses it again afterwards.

Caden turns to Tessa and says: "We'll continue this conversation outside." She doesn't even fight it before she nods and follows him to the exit. Before he leaves, he looks at me one more time and whispers: "I'll find you."
He then closes the door.

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