Extended Epilogue

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As I wake up and sneak a glance at the clock on my bedside table, I can see it's already ten o'clock. I slowly crawl out of bed and take a look around the room. The red gown from last night lies on the couch somewhere, the high heels thrown on the floor. The little trophy shaped like a star is on my bedside table, next to the named clock and a red lipstick.

I stretch out a bit and make my way to the bathroom. A look in the mirror has me grinning wide. There is still a bit of glitter left around my eyes from last night. My stylist said I should wear it as a lucky charm. I guess she was right. I instinctively turn my head to the trophy again and a smile is formed on my lips. Best actress. I am still smiling as I take out some tissues and begin to remove the glitter.

Even after minutes and minutes of work, I still can't remove it all. I raise my shoulders and move on with my morning routine instead. I tug my hair together and work on my skincare, then I brush my teeth and wash my face again. I usually have to do this all quick so I can make breakfast for the boys before I have to go to set. Today, I don't have any shootings and I can take all the time I need. The boys are probably also still sleeping.

Still in my pyjamas and fluffy socks, I go out of the bedroom and head to the kitchen. Even as I'm still on the hallway I can smell something delicious. It smells like someone has just baked something. And it smells damn good.

I hurry my tiptoeing until I am in the main room and I freeze at the view.

Above our table is a shield saying: "Congrats for being the best actress. We love you.".  There are many blue, green and white hearts drawn around the text. There are colorful balloons all around and some confetti flying in the air. I then turn my look to the actual reasons I'm smiling bright right now. Nathan is holding a big cake in his arms, one that is covered in red frosting and has the words "Love you, Mom" written with white frosting on it. The little frosting resting around our son's mouth shows me that he helped his Dad make the cake and has volunteered to be the taste tester. I then look at Caden, who is holding the confetti tube and looks at me with eyes so filled with love, showing how happy he is for me.

Before I can say anything, Nathan places the big plate on the table and screams "Surprise" as he runs to me and wraps his hands around me. I bend down to take a better grip of him then stand back up, holding him tight to my chest. I kiss his forehead, the top of his head, his cheeks and his nose all over again. My little treasure.

"Congratulations, Mom", he says. "I am so so proud of you. Dad told me all about last night."

I tickle him a bit. He once said he's all grown up now being eight years old and that he can't be tickled anymore, I do it anyway. And from the laughter that he lets out now, I can see he still secretly loves it.

"Yeah, what did Dad tell you?" I ask Nathan, sneaking a glance at my husband with the corner of my eye. He is already grinning and looking admiring at me and Nathan.

"He told me you beat everybody. And that you won."

I can hardly stop a chuckle. Caden's grin goes wider.

"He did, didn't he?" I ask Nathan while looking at Caden, who sends me an air kiss.

"Yes. And he also told me he is very proud of you", our son continues. I have to smile.

"Well, I can guarantee you I haven't beaten anybody", I begin. Nathan interrupts me adding an "Yet". He earns himself a new round of tickles.

"But I am indeed very proud of her", Caden tells Nathan while looking at me. He comes closer and wraps his arms around me from behind. "So very proud. And so very happy."

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