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I think I might be flying as Caden opens the door to the apartment, our apartment, and carries me inside. The moment I graduated college, Caden and I moved in together. He was already done with college, since he graduated a year sooner as me. He had also already started playing for one of the most famous hockey teams in New York, the team he is now captain of. I can't put in words how happy I am he made his dream come true.

Our apartment is exactly how I always pictured the perfect home to be. An apartment with a terrace, with a view over the city. A large kitchen in which everyone can cook together. A guest bedroom for when my friends come over, which they always do. A comfy bed in which I can relax after work and a big TV we often use to binge our favorite series and movies. Our home.

I am still wearing the long white gown, the one that made me feel like a princess the whole day. Caden is still in his tux, his eyes sparkling, looking better and happier than I have ever seen him. I doubt we'll be wearing these clothes for much longer though. Before they find their way to the floor.

"Welcome home, Mrs. West", Caden says and gives me the most honest smile I have ever seen on his lips. It even beat the smile he gave me as he proposed to me and I said Yes. A few months ago, as he drove us to Broadway. It was raining and he stopped the car and helped me outside. Although the water was making us all wet, he went down on one knee and pulled out a ring. The most beautiful ring I have ever seen. Not flashy, not extravagant, just pure beauty. A silver band with a small diamond on top. He told me how much he loved me and how he wants to spend every day of the rest of his life with me. He told me that I am his whole world and that we'll be together through the good and bad and all that might face us. He told me he loved me. I started crying of joy, until I couldn't tell my tears apart from the raindrops. As I smiled, reached out my hand for him to slip the ring on my finger and whispered Yes thousand of times, he smiled and also began crying of joy and took me in his arms, spun me around and kissed me. Kissed me to mark the beginning of our future together.

He doesn't let me out of his arms until we're in our bedroom and he stops to look at me, to take me all in. I do the same in return. My friend. My lover. My husband. My everything.

A tear rolls down his face again and I lift my hand to his face to wipe it out, kissing every spot it rolled on afterwards.

"What is it, love?" I ask and he smiles. Smiles filled with joy.

"I just can't believe I get to call you my wife. I can't believe you decided to make me the luckiest guy on this planet."

A smile appears on my lips as well and he bends over to kiss me. I wrap my hands around his neck and pull him closer to me. He was too far away. I want him closer.

"My husband", I whisper and he tenses at his new title. So close, I can feel his heart pounding in his chest and I swear I can almost feel the butterflies in him. I kiss him again to make him realize it is all true and not just a dream. "I love you, Caden."

He wraps his hands around me and lays down on the bed next to me. "I love you too, Broadway. It's you and me. Always and forever."

I can't help but almost glow with joy as he kisses his way along my neck, both knowing where this is going to lead. And I also can't help smiling as I look at him. My husband. The person I love most on this whole entire planet. The one I want to have next to me every day for the rest of my life. My love.

I kiss him to make him understand what I'm thinking of. He smiles and pulls me even closer.

I don't think I've ever been happier.

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