chapter 9 "Saturday detention"

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Kitty pov

I walked in the classroom to grab my bag as i saw yuri packing hers.

"Your set last night was amazing." I spoke putting the stuff back in my bag before standing up.

"Thanks" yuri packed hers looking up at me.

I took a step forwards towards her. "what are we going to do about this tension?.." i mentioned noticing the sexual tension filling the room..

"Of hating eachother?... I think that's wearing off.." she said fixing her bag on her shoulder as i took another step towards her our bodies almost colliding with eachothers.

"This tension.." i whispered as she looked at me putting my hands on her nape i pulled her closer--

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. I took some deep breaths remembering how i got home last night.. my mind reminded me of me being dragged by Dan back to the dorm as she struggled to go up the stairs, she threw me down on the stairs..

My mind is back on the dream i just had.. Did i just have sex dream? That too.. about yuri?...

I ran out the of my room noticing Dan and Minho already in the kitchen bickering about something..

Dan pov

I went out of the room streching my arms and body as if felt stiff due to not having proper sleep after coming back from the party.

"Good morning.." someone greeted me as i turned around to meet the eyes of the person..

"Oh good morning Minho" i said more like i whispered not wanting to wake Q up or have a long conversation with Minho anyways after yesterday..

I went up to the fridge to grab a bottle of water pouring it in a glass to drink while i noticed kitty run upto Q shaking his leg as he groaned..

"Can you make a cup of coffee?" Minho asked me applying some type of cream on his face.

"What no! Why would I?" I retorted giving him glares before brushing my fingers through my hair to tie it in a bun..

"I would love a cup of coffee.." i heard Q groan from the sofa as kitty continued to wake him up..

"Ugh.. fine" i said pulling my hair up just for Minho to hold my hand midway looking at me weirdly..

"Why are you putting your hair up?.." he asked pulling my wrists..

"To make coffee. So hopefully you don't find hair in your lovely coffee.." i freed myself from his grip before giving him a weird look and continued to make some coffee.

"Q!.. did you drink my collagen water!?.." Minho screamed from the kitchen before turning his gaze at kitty. "Or was it you?."

"My collagen water is to keep my skin dewy not to rehydrate people who can't handle their liquor!." Minho yelled walking towards them while I pulled Minho back a bit by the hem of his shirt because he looked like he could burst any moment..



Third person pov

"Q! Can I ask you a question?" Kitty shook him as he accepted that. "Yes i drank his collagen water"

"No not that.." kitty spoke as Q hugged his pillow more closer to himself.

"No.. you kept me up all night! I could hear through the walls! Q grunted half asleep..

"I was loud?. But loud how?" Kitty asked panicking what if they were weird noises.

"Was i talking in my sleep. Like this one time i asked LJ to make me BLT with Mayo but-" kitty spoke but she was cut by her bestfriend.

XO, Kitty || Minho × Female OC Where stories live. Discover now