3 Getting to Know Theodore

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"What brought you here?" Theodore's voice echoed through the rooms of the mansion as we walked our way to his kitchen.

The mansion was definitely built somewhere in the 1800s and had a yellow interior shade to it. I definitely underestimated the size of this house - this mansion. It looked way bigger on the inside than on the outside.

"I am looking for some inspiration for a book I'm trying to write," I answered, my eyes shamelessly looking around the place. "So I searched specifically for a secluded area that nobody lived in."

"That sounds quite contradictory since I inhabit this place," Theodore noted, a tone of humor in his voice, that almost seemed mocking. Almost.

"I really didn't think anyone lived here. I researched and googled everything."

"Well, the internet doesn't always have the answers I assume. This mansion is a hidden jewel that tends to hide away from prying eyes."

I smiled not really knowing what to say.

As we made our way into the kitchen, the space had a vintage charm to it, yet some modern conveniences had been incorporated into it. He led me to a table where he pulled out a chair for me, gesturing for me to sit before pushing me closer to the table.

He then busied himself with preparing a pot of tea, the sound of pouring water mingling with the ambiance of the mansion.

"So an aspiring young writer seeking inspiration, hm?" Theodore said, glancing at me over his shoulder. "What sort of book are you writing?"

"Well, I'm not really writing it, just trying to get some inspiration."

"I see." He spoke.

I found myself studying the way he was moving around the kitchen. He seemed to be too sure of himself, yet his movements were gentle but quick and efficient. This piqued my curiosity, and I wanted to feed the conversation.

 "I love what you've done with the place," I said, sitting on my hands.

"Thank you, but it's all Madam, she fancies this interior."

"Madam?" I faced him, a frown tugging on my lips.

"Yes, she owns this place, I work here, as her servant." He replied, placing the teapot and tea cups on the table.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable. I felt as if I was intruding. 

"I don't mean to pry but... she doesn't mind that I'm here, does she?" I asked, looking from side to side.

"Madam? She doesn't even know you're here my dear." Theodore smiled.

I think I blushed as Theodore poured the tea. He was such a gentleman.

As we began sipping our bergamot tea, I told him about myself and how much I loved writing and reading. We mainly talked about me, and I told him how I struggle with writer's block. I talked about my childhood, how I'm an only child and this was a very big deal that I moved away from my home to pursue my writing career which I had great hopes for in the future.

I loved writing. You give me a prompt, and I can execute it well. But coming up with something on my own has always been a struggle for me. But as my mom always said, 'Doesn't mean that if it's hard, it's impossible.' So I'm always trying.

"I've told you a bit about me, so what about you? What made you choose this job for example?"

He smiled, looking into his teacup, "My family needed the money at first, but then I found myself enjoying this job as the years went on and decided to stay. I was - I mean am an only child as well, and I enjoy reading as well."

"Really?" My eyes widened. "Which book is your favorite?"

"There are so many," he paused, lost in thought, "But perhaps if I had to choose, 'Wuthering Heights'."

"Ah, I see so you like classics?" I smiled.

"Yes, I am quite fond of them. What about you? What book is your favorite?"

"I like 'Little Women' a lot. Mostly because I can relate to Jo."

He smiled again, "Well I have one of the original copies." He sipped his tea.

I almost choked, "What?!"

"I could show it to you if you'd like?"

"Yes, I would really like to!" I grinned.


My heart was making flips in my ribcage. Theodore's invitation to see the original copy of "Little Women" left me utterly thrilled. My heart raced with excitement as I imagined holding the original copy. The thought of connecting with someone who shared my passion for reading and writing warmed my heart.

As we made our way through the maze of hallways, vintage furniture, and beautiful paintings, we arrived at the library. 

There were four long shelves of books filled to the brim with volumes of aged books and cracked spines.

After a moment of Theodore searching for the book, he handed it to me with utmost care.

"Here it is," 

As I opened the book, it crackled with its old yellow pages. The ink was still visible but it was aged. I flipped eagerly through the book, knowing the next few sentences of every page as I had read it over a dozen times. The words felt like a bridge connecting me to the story, stopping time and making me part of the story.

"You can keep it if you'd like," He murmured.

I stared at him, tilting my head to the side in shock, "I couldn't possibly..."

"Please I insist, " He smiled, making it look more like a smirk.

"Wow, really? " I hugged the book closer to my chest. "Thank you,"


After that, I decided it was time for me to go home. Theodore gently placed his hand on my back, guiding me out of the library.

I felt chills go up my back, and my heart turned into a butterfly's wings.

"Thank you so much for having me, and for the book," I smiled at him, standing in the doorway of the way I came in.

"It's been a pleasure, thank you for stopping by Ms. Lily." He said.

"Just Lily, please." I laughed softly.

"Lily." He whispered, and gingerly took my hand in his hand and kissed it. He looked up at me, with a small smile, his eyes glinting.

I breathed in softly, and I felt my face heat up as if it was by a campfire.

With that, I went home. 

My thoughts were consumed with Theodore and his kind gesture. He was so nice. Such a gentleman. A guy who had respect, polite humor, and was kind, not to mention handsome.

I went home grinning to myself.

I wondered if it would be possible to not wash this hand ever again...


Thanks for reading <3 It would mean the world (if you want) you can follow me to see when I update and you can vote this story - it puts a grin on my face haha.

Lots of Luv!

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