26 The End

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Many months later...

"And that concludes our session for today Lily. Thanks for coming in again." The light blue walls surrounded the two young ladies creating a feeling of a safe space. 

"Thank you, Dr. Farley."

"Oh and Lily?" Her therapist questioned," Did the police get an update on the house?" Dr. Farley still had her doubts about Lily's intense story, even if the fear in her eyes was present the entire time, it was difficult to try to think that what Lily was describing was actually true.

Lily sighed, her eyes glued to the floor sticking to her story, "They said it burned to the ground, and that no one was inside. they did find 55 bodies buried in the gardens though, tracing all the way back to 1866- as I've told you before."

Dr. Farley was still skeptical, yet she never showed it. Little did she know that she would double-check to find the chilling information to be true.


Lily walked back to her car, looking up at the bright blue sky above. Before sitting down in her car, she closed her eyes and breathed in as much air as she could - knowing that she could.

When she got back home to her apartment building in New York, she did her usual Sunday routine (she had that now) of picking up mail and doing her laundry. She cooked dinner afterward, with some music, and called her parents that were checking in on her daily.

 After dinner, she sat back down at her desk and started brainstorming her book ideas. She had a wit of not giving up despite the many months still struggling to actually write something. She did manage to keep her mind on other things, like working in a great journaling company. 

And then it suddenly it hit her.

"That would do it." She sighed to herself, her words a mere whisper. 

Her eyes flickered to the computer screen as she started typing the first words on her Google Document:

"The Corset."


Thank you for reading. I really hoped you enjoyed the story. Please comment and vote, and this story will be heavily edited throughout the years as I plan to publish it on paper someday.  That being said, remember that you also have power in your choices, and you have a voice and your truth. Don't let anything stop you. :)    

I love you so much,

- AN

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