14 Too Fast

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thanks loves <3

After cleaning and having dinner, we made our way over to the ballroom.

We danced the waltz to a Beethoven song, and after the song ended, we bowed and ended the dancing for the night.

Before Theodore could speak, I asked him a question, "Theodore, is there ever a waltz where the woman puts her hands on the man's waist?"

He frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Like this, I said, demonstrating. "Wait! where's your corset?" I asked searching his face, while pulling my hands away.

He came closer, his eyes staring at me. "She told me I don't have to wear it anymore." He paused still looking into my eyes. "Which reminds me, I have a gift for you."

He took my hand and led me into the living room. He took out a large box behind the clock that was tainted a light blue. He set the box on the floor, wrapping paper layered over the item. He began removing the paper, making me unsure whether to feel scared or excited. What I hoped would be a delightful gift, wiped the smile off my face.

Silence seemed to stretch endlessly before me before a single sound was made.

"It's a corset." His eyes eerie, almost allowing the silence to continue. "And guess what, it ties even tighter." He whispered, his eyes pouring into mine, his grin widening.

I felt panic instead of air in my lungs.

"What's wrong? You don't like it?" His eyes bored.

I shook my head trying to smile, my smile was pulling down.

I didn't notice how he undressed me.

His fingers were gentle, and slow, buckling the front. Each click was meant for me. Each click seemed to be farther apart, making my anticipation longer, and my head spin.

He looked at me when he clipped the top one, his lower lip separated from the top.

His hands slid around my waist, and I braced myself for the lacing.

I felt him grab the lace, and pull it. It was steady yet fast. I felt my lungs squeezed, my organs going places where they weren't supposed to be. With a few more yanks, and my breathless attempts to grab more breath, I thought he was done - before he tightened even harder.

"There." He said, his eyes gazing at me, careful, precise. "It's good." He stated bluntly as if to assure me. His eyes hazy, obsessed.

I tried to keep my mind calm, but my thoughts slurred.

I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

This time I stared back. I stared back at his wild eyes. If eyes could grin, that's what they would've looked like. He smiled at my distress, relishing in my pain.

"Don't worry Lily - Ann. You'll get used to it soon." He stepped closer to me again, "And then we can tighten it even more." He whispered.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but I gasped for air. I fell forward, but he caught me.

I wanted to move away so badly from him. But I knew that if I moved, I would let go of the air I would never get it back.

He looked at me, as if enjoying my discomfort. All I could do was stare at him with frightened eyes.

My voice barely above a whisper, "I think it's too tight."

He slowly shook his head, "No, a corset can never be too tight. It's never too tight." He murmured, his eyes the same.

I wanted to tell him to take it off. Let me go. Let me breathe. I wanted to burn it. I wanted to burn it all.

With every laggard breath, the corset was digging into my skin even more. I wondered how much more it would bruise.

This was real. This wasn't a dream. And it wasn't a game - he enjoyed my suffering. But why?

"I... can't breathe..." I said. I looked into his eyes, pleading, praying he would understand.

He continued to stare at me with a strange intensity that made my skin crawl. Suddenly, he reached out and touched my face, tucking my hair away. I flinched away from him, but he just laughed softly.

"You can speak, can't you? I think that would only mean it's not tight enough." He said stepping away from me, "Don't make excuses, Lily-Ann." And with that, he loosened his grip on me, making me crumple on the floor.

My fingers rushed to my back and unlaced the corset. My lungs expanded all the way, and I felt like a newborn breathing for the first time.

I headed up the stairs, my head pounding with new oxygen, while his words echoed in my head: It's not tight enough. It's never too tight. We can tighten it even more.

I swallowed, and I crashed on my bed when I made it into the room. It was the first time where he didn't undress me or tuck me in, I cried softly, my pillow damp on both sides.

I fell into an unrestful sleep.


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