6 First Time

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A/N:   VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE. Thanks for reading luv ya :) <3

"Rise and shine Lily-Ann."  I heard Theodore call out.

I was in nothing but my nightgown. Crap.

Oh wait- I'm not supposed to swear - good thing he can't read my thoughts.

"Good morning," I said, my eyes snapping open, crawling out of bed.

"Let's get you dressed for the day,"

"What are you going to do right now?" I asked, still waking up. I need coffee. Focus. Focus. Focus.

"Right now, I'm going to help you get dressed and show you how to do your job as the day goes on. Now, stand over there," Theodore gestured over to where my standing mirror was. I crawled out of bed my arms crossed over my chest. "Perfect."

My feet together, I gazed into my reflection: my short brown hair in a bob above my shoulders, my light blue-gray eyes, my heart-shaped face and my thin lips all looking back at me.

"Let's get started shall we?" He murmured against my skin. He brought up a corset in front of me. "This is Corset number 1." He paused for a long time before speaking again.

"Undress for me."

I turned to stone.

"Don't be shy. It's just me." He said, noting the sudden rose tones on my cheeks. Minutes were doubling.

My hands shook as I slowly peeled off my clothes and looked down at the floor to avoid his eyes I was suddenly so afraid to look into. I was now completely naked, only my underwear visible, his gaze traveling up from my calfs to the back of my head. 

"Beautiful." He murmured, kissing me on the nape of my neck.

I gasped.

"Arms up love." He smiled.

As he pulled the corset over me, I felt intoxicated by how he called me. How it made me feel. I felt as if I was the highest cloud floating in the sky.

"Now I'll secure these buckles in the front here." He murmured into his lips, coming in front of me.

He maintained eye contact each time he fastened a buckle. It felt like my stomach had learned to crochet.

"Now the lace." He whispered, his hands gliding around my waist. I breathed lightly. I felt him adjust the laces.

"Ready?" He asked softly, his breath fanning on my neck.

I nodded.

"I didn't hear you."


"Good girl." I felt him smile with satisfaction.

He pulled the first lace with smooth expertise, then yanked on it softly. I felt my air tighten smoothly. 

As I tried to breathe in, my air felt restricted, kind of like wearing jeans that were too tight on your waist. He pulled again, and again. Then he was done. He repeated the process a couple more times until he was done.

I breathed in, just smaller breaths. It felt like air couldn't reach the very end of my lungs. It was a very unsatisfying feeling, but I didn't want to erase the happy sensation of his smile when he was looking down proudly at his work.

"You look beautiful darling." He whispered in my right ear. I closed my eyes.

"You look absolutely ravishing." He whispered into my left.

He kissed my neck softly, and a breath escaped my lips even softer.

My eyes met his, and he brought my face to his for a tender kiss. His hands felt like butterfly wings on the sides of my face.

"Thank you," I whispered to his eyes.

He smiled, something glinting behind his eyes.

"Of course Lily-Ann." 

Our intimate glance seemed to last forever. Tingles surged through my body, causing me to shiver. His blue eyes seemed to pierce mine with admiration, and something else, that I couldn't put my finger on.

"Shall we continue?" He broke off the connection straightening up.

"Y-yes," I whispered, not wanting to break contact.

Theodore took out a simple blue dress out of my wardrobe and helped me put it on, pulling in over my head, and fastening the back. I then took a seat on the vanity.

"You have soft hair, soft like a petal's" He sighed.

I found myself smiling, "Thank you," He smiled back in the reflection of the mirror.

He took out a brush from a drawer and began brushing my short hair, causing me to shiver.

"Are you cold?" He asked

"No, no" 

"Then sit still my dear," his tone teasing.

"Sorry," I murmured.

Soon after he came to face me and pinned the sides of my hair with bobby pins. "There, now it will be out of your face," He smiled.

I felt utterly intoxicated by his gaze. The way his eyes looked at me.

We made our way down stairs for breakfast.



Ooooh they kissed. What do you think about him rn? Please please please let me know- I'm genuinely SO SO curious! The suspense of not knowing your opinions is killing me! Haha

Is this too quick? Should I've added something before this?

Thanks for reading.

Plz vote and comment - Lots of Luv!

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