8 Ballroom

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"Yes," I answered. "I'd love to."

Theodore gingerly took my hand in his and led me to the center of the ballroom. I noticed he changed: he was wearing a golden yellow vest and had white sleeves underneath with a visible black tie.

"I will teach you how to dance." He stated, his eyes piercing through my soul. His eyes always seemed to say something different than his words.


He gave me another one of his smiles. 

He placed his right arm on my back, which earned a small gasp from me.

"Now put your left hand on my right shoulder." He instructed. I did as he instructed.

He raised his left arm at his side and said, "Now raise your right arm like I am doing with my left."

I copied his movement, and he touched my right hand with his left.

He looked into my eyes as he said, "Now this is the position we dance in the entire time."

I nodded.

"Now you step wide once and then twice behind, and we slowly spin whilst we do that. Follow my lead. Wide, step step, wide step step," He continued. "...And one two, three, one two three. Now spin." He instructed.

His hands were so gentle, yet firm. He moved gracefully along the ballroom, my skirt swishing against his legs. He moved slowly and picked up the pace gradually. 

I don't know how to describe how I felt. I felt secure in his arms, swaying me from side to side. It almost felt as if I knew this was meant to be. His arms felt strong and steady, and his presence in the room was established. Each step we made was changing time. Seconds, minutes; time did not exist. It was just us, dancing along to the beat we couldn't hear but both knew.

When I'd lose the rhythm, he'd lightly count aloud again for me again; one two three, one two three... 

His blue eyes gazed into mine carefully. I'd mostly try to look down at my feet, so I wouldn't step on his.

"Eyes up here." He told me, a finger on my chin, tilting my face up.

My heart beat in my throat, and the lingering effect of his touch was stamped under my chin.

That's when I stumbled on my feet. And then we stopped abruptly.

"I think that is it for today. Next time, we can try with music, and no mistakes." His eyes surveyed mine.

"Yes, okay sorry Theodore," I said.

He hummed in response, "Its night time, so it's time to go to sleep. Let me help you out of that corset of yours."

He offered me his arm, and I took it gladly, allowing him to guide me upstairs.

In my room, I stood in front of the mirror again, my eyes glued to the floor. I felt him unbuckle my dress, letting it fall to the floor. Then I looked in the mirror. I stood in nothing but my underclothes and the corset.

"How did the corset feel today?" He murmured, beginning to unlace it. 

"Good," I answered.

He didn't answer that but finished unlacing it, revealing my naked appearance to the mirror and him.

I swallowed and lowered my gaze from the mirror as if avoiding it would change my situation.

He brought me my nightgown, which I quickly put on. 

"Good night," I told him, knowing he would leave, but instead he smiled and came closer to me.

"I'll tuck you in," he said taking my hand and leading me to the bed. What?

I sat on my bed, still confused "It's okay, you don't have to..." But his eyes told me to not argue.

"There." He said, after he tucked me in, and sat on my bed beside me, "Sleep well." He whispered, his tone soft, and leaned in to kiss my forehead.

I blushed after he left the room. He tucked me in - which I thought was a little strange - did people do this in the Victorian era? If there were no cameras in my room, then why do this?

I made sure to wait until his steps descended away to his room before rummaging under my pillow to find my diary and phone. I slowly tip-toed out of bed to try to find a charger - it was behind the nightstand. Even though there was no supposed 'technology' in this house, there was electricity. I put the charger in, which was behind the nightstand, and carefully disguised it behind the lamp that was on the nightstand. I scrolled on my phone while it charged. My plan was to charge it a little bit every night, and then hide it during the day in my pillow. 

However, there was no alarm on my nightstand. Which I thought was strange. If Theodore gets me up every night at the same time (that means he must have an alarm clock set up) and I didn't even though I worked here. Maybe he forgot to get me one? Will he really wake me up every morning? On the other thought, it's sweet.

I checked my messages: my mom and dad still didn't text me back. That's okay though, they're probably still pretty busy. 

I sighed and turned on the flashlight on my phone. I flipped to a blank page in my diary.

Dear Diary,

Today was the first day of working here in the Mansion with Theodore.

I was absolutely exhausted: I dusted too many shelves to count, and washed the entire upstairs floors - did I mention it's a mansion?

Theodore can cook really well - he kissed me today- on the lips! I was not expecting it to be so soon, and it was the most gentle kiss I had ever had. And my first. 

He also put me and a corset and saw my upper body naked which I felt really flustered about. He, on the other hand, did not. He is really pretty btw. He has blue eyes, and brown curly hair that falls just below his ears. He is very gentlemanly. 

He teaches me a lot of manners during the day. And it's very embarrassing, to say the least. I keep slouching or slurping too loudly. I feel very embarrassed. 

We danced today - I managed not to step on his feet. We waltzed, and he taught me how to dance. I felt like I was floating on a cloud, and then falling through the sky when I made a misstep.

I also took my phone with me from my house today- even though I wasn't supposed to. Apparently, Madam is kinda weird-  I think she's too old-fashioned. I'm supposed to act as a 'lady from the Victorian era' and Theodore is helping me with that. I don't know how to feel about that but yeah.

I have to go to sleep. Good night.

I closed my diary and put it on my nightstand. I unplugged my phone and hid it under my pillow. Then, I fell asleep.


Thanks for reading! Make sure to read and comment.

Lots of Luv


The ballroom scene I got directions from youtube. If you need help imagining, go to this link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr2JrloB7pc&ab_channel=DancetimePublication

And it is at 51 seconds to see how they danced.

The Corset [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora