10 Principal

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Emaan and Haaya were siting on the last bench during their maths class. Haya have always been a topper she never lets Emaan sit at the last bench and but usually in Maths class they switch partners because Emaan can not afford siting on the front benches in Maths it draws unwanted attention and she can't have it especially in Maths.

Today Emaan convinced Haaya to sit at the last bench so that she can a have a power nap and teacher doesn't notice if she will then Haaya can cover it up for her! She was feeling energetic and better in the morning but now she was done she can't even open her eyes she was very very sleepy. She can stay in the library but if someone sees her bunking then they will directly call the guardian and that's something she can not afford!

The class was going as usual their teacher Mrs Roshni was teaching the equations like normal and our little Emaan was sleeping profoundly! Haaya was too engrossed in solving the equations that she completely forgot about her best friend was sleeping right beside her!

Unluckily for them Mrs Roshni noticed she quietly walked towards them the whole class noticed and started giggling! By the time Haaya noticed her she started nudging Emaan!

"Emaan uthooo"she elbowed her in her side!
"Aaani sonee dee!" She sleepily replied!

Mrs Roshni gestured Haaya to stay shut! She went towards Emaan!
"Emaan wakeup!" She spoke furiously she was an elder lady who takes her job very seriously she doesn't like distractions in her class and she especially can never take someone disrespecting her subject and sleeping in her class she finds it absolutely disrespectful!

Her voice was wasted too because Emaan was in a deep slumber even at home everytime she sleeps after being super tired nobody can wake her up other than her brother's loud voice! After noticing Emaan is not waking up she assumed that she was doing it on purpose after the mock results she have already been mad her! She wanted to have a talk with Arhaan about it but the principal declined saying she was good at rest maybe she herself have to focus more!

Mrs Roshni has been teaching Emaan for two years now she have never found Emaan interested in her subject that is why she have called Arhaan too many times and every time she have noticed that Emaan respects and fears her brother alot that is why she decided to let Arhaan involve!

She called for the peon and told him to call principal! Their principal was sweet lady but she was very strict on discipline when she entered the class and saw the entire class laughing while one of the students sleeping without worrying about anything at the back it made her mad!

Mrs chauhdry walked towards the desk and practically screamed!
"Miss Emaan!" Her loud voice boomed every one of them stoped laughing and Hayaa kicked her leg good! Emaan woke up startled!

"Huh" she looked here and there still confused about the situation she is in! Her high ponytail was completely messed up and she was looking like a fool! Every one started laughing again!

"Silence everyone!"And the whole class tried to muffle their laughter!
" Are your classes so boring miss that you actually ends up sleeping here?" She asked Emaan sternly!

"She is boring!" Emaan mistakenly mumbled
"Excuse me?" Mrs Roshni eyes popped up!

"Is that so? Their are 30 students in the class none of them found her boring other than you Emaan? Aur bhi bache parh rahe hain then why can't you?" Mrs chauhdry asked sternly

"I am sorry mam but she actually is!" She again muttered! Haya looked at here like she have grown horns on her head! Why was she speaking like this she thought because her tone was quite disrespectful maybe because she was too sleepy!

"You are way out of your line Emaan I won't allow you to disrespect your teachers like this! Your result in the mocks have been terrible and now you attitude all of this is getting too much!" She spoked!

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