56| real Bad

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Fariha and Emaan started walking inside and Fariha was almost dancing in her World after seeing Arhaan's eyes. Arhaan was yet to say a word but his gaze was fixed on Emaan so harshly that she was hesitating to make a step ahead.

"Hey." Fariha greeted Arhaan.

Arhaan finally turned his eyes and looked at Fariha he tried calming himself down by breathing through his nose but all he was feeling was rage and anger.

"I am getting late okay I shall see you soon ye bags yahn rakhwari hu okay?" Fariha squeezed Emaan's shoulder and decide walking out.

Emaan looked at her in shock she was not even trying to help her and save her.

Arhaan noticed the look of fear in his sister's eyes when she mentioned that she have to leave its pains Arhaan's heart to even think that his sister is looking for protection from him.

Arhaan looked at the bags and he fisted his hand.

"Ye sab kia ha?" Arhaan asked Fariha in chilling tone.

"It's nothing I just got Emaan some stuff she liked don't worry about it." Fariha replied with a smile.

"I clearly think you have lost your Mind Miss Malik!" Arhaan yelled startling all of them.

Fariha took a step back she wasn't expecting Arhaan to yell at her.

Arhaan took a long deep breath trying to calm himself down.

"Take all of this and leave!" Arhaan's voice left no room for argument but Fariha was to dumb to understand.

"Arhaan please I can't ye sab Emaan ne pasand kia ha and I got it for her you can not just throw it back!" Fariha countered.

"Emaan doesn't needs you shopping for her and she certainly doesn't need these hefty bags and shoes at All take them back." Arhaan argued.

Emaan wasn't able to keep silent anymore Arhaan was practically yelling at Fariha and she have done it only for Emaan Emaan can not have Arhaan insult her like this.

"Bhaiya?" She dared to say.

Arhaan sharply tilted his head and took a step closer to her.

"Not a word you get that?" He yelled and Emaan flinched badly.

Ali immediately walked towards her and was just about to hug her Arhaan's hard glare stopped him.

"Uspe kyu chilarahe ho?" Fariha asked.

"Listen Fariha I don't want to hear and say anything and cross my limits take all the stuff you purchased than you can leave!" Arhaan replied in controlled rage.

"You don't want me buying for her okay! Pay me but allow her to keep these things Its just 2lacs transfer it but let her keep these things." Fariha replied and smirked inwardly.

Emaan's eyes popped out she had no idea about the amount she said no for all of the things but Fariha kept on pestering.

Arhaan's felt his blood boiling all over again he took it as an insult that his sister wanted something and she didn't ask him even if she would he would have never allowed to spend this much amount.

Arhaan looked at Emaan who was looking at him with does full of tears.

"Return these things right NOW!" Amaan standing right beside Arhaan flinched badly.

"You have clearly lost your Mind stop yelling and start thinking rationally you are scaring kids I am leaving without taking any of this I brought them for Emaan and she is allowed to keep them!" Fariha replied and walked outside on her heels.

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