22 Overwhelmed

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Time was passing pretty quickly Emaan's exams were just around the corner just a week away! Emaan was getting more and more frustrated each passing day she have never studied this much but Haider was proving to be bane of her existence!

Every single day He gave her tons of homework and expects her to submit in exact 24 hours if she fails to do it then he will directly report to her brother!

Arhaan was also behaving more strict than he have ever been this year was Emaan's last year in school she will be joining college next and for that she needs good grades. He pampers her the same but he was not ready to relent on studies!

The sunday tests were becoming way to much for her. Arhaan makes sure he prepares her for the hardest exams and she was surprisingly doing good! All the efforts of Arhaan and Haider were becoming effective!

Emaan was sitting on her dining table absolutely embarrassed by Haider's scoldings for the first time in weeks she tried to use a slightly disrespectful tone just to check the waters she was hoping for Haider to not take her seriously but in return he just gave the biggest shut up call any teacher have ever given!

"I am not liking your tone Miss Emaan change it before I decide to do something about it!"

These were the exact word of Haider he was not rude he was not angry but he embarrassed her he was so firm that she felt like a child! From now onwards Haider was the worst person to ever exist in Emaan's list she hated him with all her heart she was counting days until she gets done with him!

Emaan was sitting in a head down position not really wanting to face herself the teacher she had a teeny tiny crush on embarrassed her real good! Emaan have always been the person who gets embarrassed pretty quickly!

Aani was calling her for past two minutes but she was ignoring her worried Aani walked towards her and shook her!

"Emaan beta kuch khaloo!" She shook her and already flustered Emaan snapped at her without even realising what she is doing!

"Arey nhi khana na mujhe jab dil hoga khalungi ap apna dekhe naa!" She yelled loudly!

Aani took a step back clearly not expecting her to behave like this! She can clearly see something troubling her but before she can comfort her Arhaan barged in angrily!

"Aise batt krte ha baro se?" His voice boomed!

"Bhaiya pleasee!" Emaan was clearly not in a mood. Her reply made Arhaan way more angry!

"Emaan I am telling you fix this attitude before I fix it for you! You won't like my ways I promise! I know how to handle your temper tantrums just fine don't make me deal with you like a 8 year old child because you surely knows that I can!" Arhaan's voice was dangerously low but it was sharper than a knife!

Not wanting to embarrass herself anymore she quickly murmured a sorry and ran upstairs trying hard to control her tears!

Arhaan saw the tears but he decided to ignore them for sometime he will ask her later right now she needs to have some space and realise what wrong she did!

He was sure she will come back and apologise she is way to sweet to insult Aani like that and forget about it she will come around but that doesn't mean that he will let it slide!

Emaan was completing her homework but she was getting way to overwhelmed she started crying without even realising! Every day her brother hugs her asks her about her day after coming back from office but today he just blasted on her! And on the top of that the maths equations were becoming way to repetitive all of this was making her cry!

Arhaan gently entered the room and saw her crying bitterly on her study desk! He was here to warn her to stop this tantrums as she is getting way to old for this but seeing her like this broke his heart into million pieces!

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