64|perfect timming

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Three weeks It has been threw weeks since Arhaan got injured in an accident. The past three weeks were very difficult for the family because Arhaan was not just cranky but he was also very irritable.

Aziz left two weeks before and since than Arhaan is getting very untameable he have been behaving very strict and snappy. Poor Ali was getting all the heat as he was the one who was responsible for his brother's health. Ali's ears were ringing because of the yelling Arhaan have done these past few weeks.

Emaan on the other hand was on the verge of breaking all the records of healthy diet. Arhaan practically made her life miserable he contacted a very strict and very boring dietitian and the plan he came up with was something Emaan would never even think about but her brother made sure she not only touches but eats it fully.

Every time Emaan starts gagging Arhaan just stands up from his seat and she immediately gulps all the nasty things on her plate. Her cheeks were now full and fluffy her eyes were no longer swollen and skin was no longer pale. The abc juice worked really well for her along with the diet.

Arhaan stayed rooted to his words as no icecreams or ramen noodles even the coffee machine every single junk was banned for his sister. Emaan have never been this intimidated in her life because this time Arhaan was just unrelenting it felt like he was possessed by someone.

As far as Amaan is concerned the boy have given his live's best performance the other day when a day after Aziz's departure Arhaan descended the stairs fully ready all set to leave for office. Ali and Emaan tried stopping him but the scolding they got made them gulp. His little brother on the other hand started crying and the Oscar worthy performance he gave made Arhaan stay back for two more days.

Emaan college was going in usual routine Daniyal was not being as clingy as he was and she was also maintaining her distance with Dawood. She told Haya everything and Haya calmed her nerves down and told her she won't leave her alone.

Few days after she joined the college Daniyal invited her to party which she very politely refused but one thing she doesn't got to know was the whole party got cancelled because she denied coming in and the Dawood was determined to do the party once Emaan will approve.

Emaan noticed something sneaky about Haya's behaviour but she failed to recognise what it was. There was something wrong as if she was hiding something from her but Emaan was not sure what it was.

Haider was proving to be the bane of her existence as he become the most despisable person in Emaan's life. His charming smile or his stern eyes everything was irking her more than she thought it would.

He very coincidentally saved Emaan from the conversation Dawood was trying to start as he came unannounced right before Dawood can say something a nice coincidence happened twice she thought.

Fariha waited three weeks to execute her plan she wants Arhaan to come to school by himself she won't ever admit but she was slightly intimidated by both Ali and Aziz she doesn't want them to come because them coming wont result in to her desired reaction.

She stayed within in limits as she didn't do anything wrong in either school or office. She makes sure she behaves decent. She met Arhaan almost everyday in office but never tried to do anything questionable. Arhaan also didn't bother about her new behaviour as he liked this one much better.

It was now Monday Arhaan's cast was gone Ali was back to college and Emaan was finally allowed to eat junk. The past few weeks Emaan and Zimmal have bonded closer than ever she messages her everyday and they both chit chat for hours one thing which Emaan was still not aware of was Zimmal's brother.

Zimmal and Arhaan have also been spending more time together as she takes care of him in office and since past two weeks they are having lunch together. Both of them enjoy each other's company but none of them was brave enough to talk about it loudly.

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