Chapter 6

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Tom jumped ten feet into the air, sputtering and knocking the girl off his lap. The girl screeched, her hair soaked as well. That had been a full can of beer.

"Holy shit," I mumbled, grinning despite myself. Quickly, I went to stand beside Lia and pulled her back.

Tom stood up, his pants half zipped. He turned, his face thunderous and dripping bear. "What the f-"

His words died when he saw Lia. His anger melted into shock, then into one of reconciliation. If he thought he could sweet-talk his way out of this, he was more delusional than I thought. He held his hands up and took a step closer. "Babe-"


Lia's palm made a satisfying contact with his cheek. A commotion broke behind us. Someone turned down the music, and in seconds, it seemed like the entire party had migrated to the second floor.

Someone whistled after the slap.

Tom's expression changed so fast it was scary. An ugly sneer claimed his face.

"You cheating asshole!" Lia said, her voice echoing loud and clear above the sudden silence that claimed the house.

Tom wiped his face, wet with beer. "For fuck's sake, Lia, it's not like I'm going to beg you to sleep with me," he said. "Since you have the right to make that choice, I have the right to make this one."

The nerve!

"Damn dude!" A guy said nearby. He was among the crowd watching the show. "You didn't even get to bang that virgin pussy-"

I turned and glared at him. He snapped his mouth shut, looking a little pale. Disgusting pig, and that was unfair to pigs.

"Let's go, Lia," I whispered, pulling on her arm. The stench of beer and sweat was stinging my nose. Lia's eyes were wide, and I knew she would regret giving these people a show after it was all over.

Lia shrugged off my hold. "You could've had the balls to break things off with me then, you spineless asshole," she told Tom.

Tom chuckled. "I was pretty close, though. You would've slept with me tonight if it wasn't for this nosy bitch."

Lia's eyes watered. Damn it. I pulled her back and gave Tom a sweet smile. "Tom, you couldn't get Lia even after one year of dating. I think it's pretty clear that problem is not her." I waved at his crotch area. "Maybe you should get things checked out down there."

Laughter rolled through the crowd. I pulled Lia and walked away. It was enough. She looked about ready to break down.

"I don't understand why you're mad, Lia," Tom said behind us. We pushed through the crowd to reach the stairs. "It runs in the family, after all. Your mom isn't throwing your father out for fucking half the women in town."

Oh, no. He didn't go there. Lia froze next to me, her shoulders stiff and tight, and her head lowered. Hair covered her face. I saw a tear drop to the ground.

I couldn't take it. My chest was going to explode. Furious, I marched back towards Tom.

Tom smirked, watching me come closer like I was a harmless kitten. "What are you going to do, Sapphire?" he said, "Punch me?-"

I closed my fist and punched him in the nose.

Tom crouched down, holding his bloodied nose. Someone cheered. Someone screamed. His two buddies looked shocked. "You bitch!" he said, his voice muffled and his eyes wide with disbelief. "You actually punched me!"

What did he think I was going to do? Tickle him?

One of his friends took a step forward.

"I wouldn't do that," a familiar low voice warned, standing close behind me.

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