Chapter 9

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"I see."

Hunter's voice had dropped to a record low. I gave Fernando a scathing look. He didn't look remotely sorry.

The devil spawn stopped by a group of guys he often trained with. I didn't know what they told him, but he glanced our way, and after a few seconds, beelined towards us.

"Great. Just great," I mumbled, downing the rest of my water.

Someone called Fernando over. He flicked my forehead and made his escape. What a trouble maker.

Hunter's gaze followed Aaron with the intensity of a wolf tracking its prey. It was eerie how his gaze suddenly changed. It happened the day before, as well, when he spotted Tom in the hallway.

"He likes to yap," I warned him. "Don't go punching him. Steve doesn't tolerate misbehavior in the gym."

"So why is this prick still here?"

I sighed and whispered. "He's the co-owner's nephew, much to the chagrin of half the gym's members."

Aaron loomed over us. "Hey, Sapph. How's the eye?"

He didn't have the decency to even pretend to be sorry about it. I smiled tightly. "Perfect. Just perfect, Aaron."

"Yeah, it looks good on you," he said, putting his hands on his hips. "You can pull off a black eye."

The prick. I laughed. "Thanks. It's good to hear that from someone used to it."

Aaron's jaw ticked. Hunter looked down, smiling. Aaron's eyes flickered to him. "You got yourself a boyfriend, I heard."


Aaron looked Hunter up and down. "You've got a bit of a reputation, though, Jamison," Aaron said.

Hunter looked up at him, his face blank. Aaron's smug smile was back when he looked at me. "But then again, you'd have to have a father. Fathers are usually good at vetting their daughters' boyfriends, so you're all on your own for this one."

My smile slipped right off. His words reached into my chest and wrapped a spiked grip around my heart.

Hunter suddenly stood up. The empty bottle crunched under his hand. Aaron took a small step back before catching himself and standing his ground. I rose as well. Hunter stood inches taller than Aaron, and much, much wider. Aaron must've misjudged Hunter's size with the way he'd been sitting down hunched next to me.

I stood next to Hunter, pressing my arm to his.

"So you know Hunter?" I asked.

Aaron's eyes flickered to mine. "Who doesn't?" He fixed Hunter with a poor attempt at intimidating. "What're you doing here anyway? Steve doesn't allow people who fight outside in the gym."

"I no longer fight outside," Hunter said.

"Since when?"

"Since now," Hunter said, taking a step forward. Aaron's throat worked. Hunter took another step, putting him shoe to shoe with Aaron. The difference was glaring. "Do you have a problem with that, Co-owner's nephew?"

I bit back a smile. Aaron chuckled nervously. "No problem at all. why would I?"

"Maybe because I owe you a black eye," Hunter said.

Uh-oh. Now why did that make me feel all fuzzy inside? Aaron froze.

"Aaron," Steve called, coming closer. Aaron looked at him and stepped back from Hunter. I dragged Hunter back next to me. The last thing I wanted was for Steve to blacklist him for starting trouble. Though all he did was talk. So far.

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