Chapter 25

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"He's back again."

Hunter looked to the side. The gym was packed this Friday afternoon. It had been a while since the open gym day, and Steve decided to hold another one.

Antonio, the man who'd given Hunter his card the other time, was leaning against the wall near the rings, scanning the place and sizing up the fighters around with the shrewd gaze of a wolf.

Hunter and I had just came in from running outside and were stretching on the other side of the gym.

"Are you thinking about taking his offer?" I asked Hunter, raising my knee to my chest to stretch my hamstrings.

"Of going abroad?" Hunter asked, stretching his arm. "I don't think so. I like fighting, but I'm not sure that's what I want to do for the rest of my life, you know."

"Mhm." His words removed a weight off my chest. I guess part of me was worried he wanted to go train abroad. I should be supportive, if that was what he wanted to do. But the simple thought of not being able to see Hunter whenever I wanted was just terrifying.

No reason to worry about it now, though.

Hunter wanted to take his photography more seriously, and I was relieved he wouldn't put his health in danger by pursuing a real boxing career, even though he was talented at it.

"Hunter!" Steve called, waving Hunter closer. He stood with Brandon and another boxer around the same size.

Hunter groaned. I chuckled. "Go get your ass kicked."

He shook his head. "Why aren't you sparring?"

I scoffed. "Do you see anyone here around the same size as me?"

"You mean extra tiny?"


He took my punch to the arm as if it was a friendly pat. I narrowed my eyes and smiled deviously. "Don't project your size issues on me."

He choked on air, the tips of his ears turning pink. Ha! Got him.

Shaking his head, a smile peeked through. "You're unbelievable."

"Why, thank you."

He jogged up to Steve, giving me a little grin over his shoulder. Adorable. Although with those bulging muscles and that impressive height, he could hardly be considered adorable.

I hummed under my breath and joined Fernando near one of the punching bags.

"Want me to hold mitts for you?" I asked him.

Stopping mid punch, he wiped his sweat and grinned at me. "Really?"


"You're a doll. Thanks."

"I'll go get them from the back room."

I made my way there, throwing my eyes around the gym. Antonio was still rooted in his spot. Except now he was no longer scanning the fighters. His eyes were fixed on someone.


I slowed down. Hunter was wearing his gloves, punching Brandon's mitts. And Antonio was looking at him like he was a money making machine. Worry nipped at my guts, despite Hunter's earlier reassurance that he wasn't interested.

I blew out a breath and looked away from them. I was being ridiculous. If Hunter decided to pursue boxing professionally and wanted to go abroad, then I really shouldn't have a problem with it. It was his life. He should do what was best for him. And that didn't mean that our relationship would end.

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