Chapter 13

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I'd always thought my first kiss would be awkward as hell, considering everything the other girls said about their own experiences.

It wasn't.

I had no idea what I was doing. But Hunter obviously did. He took the lead and banished every single thought from my mind. All I could feel and smell and taste was him, and it was glorious.

When he pulled back after a couple of minutes, I was out of breath, my heart was pounding in my ears, and my blood felt like molten lava.

His dark eyes burned with need. He smiled. It wasn't an amused smile, it wasn't a cynical smile. It was a genuinely happy smile. And it was glorious.

I cleared my throat. "You sure know what you're doing."

His smile widened, and a devious light played in his eyes. "I have a lot of experience."

Way to ruin the mood. I rolled my eyes and pulled away from him. The noise of the party finally pierced the fog in my brain. He didn't let me get far.

Hunter put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer, kissing my hair. "Thank you," he mumbled, his voice rough.

My irritation vanished. I sighed and leaned my head against his chest. His body was a furnace. It felt nice. "You're welcome. It was nice. If you're good and don't keep reminding me of your past conquests, I'll let you try again. Maybe."

His chest rumbled with a chuckle. "Sorry. I'll be on my best behavior."


We stayed that way for a while, just leaning into each other. The party moved around us, people dancing and drinking and laughing. I felt content just sitting here, eating delicious snacks and enjoying Hunter's warmth.

Every once in a while, his finger would rub my shoulder or he would press his lips to my hair. We didn't say a word. I had no idea this kind of peacefulness existed. I could stay here for hours.

I had finished my plate a while ago and invaded Hunter's. He just pushed it closer to me and let me eat his food as well. I might fall in love with him at this rate.

"We're out of food," I said around the last potato chip in my mouth.

"You said you'll cut down unhealthy snacks."

"It's a party," I whined.

"How about a walk?" He said. I nodded. A break from the crowd sounded nice. We stood up and made our way outside, past the noise of people and music and the strobing lights. It was cold. I took Hunter's arm, put it around my shoulders and hugged his waist with my arm. Ah, much better. Amusement filled his eyes, but he hugged me tighter.

We strolled down the street, past the parked cars. The music faded behind us, its rhythmic thuds echoing faintly in the quiet neighborhood. Thank God I didn't wear high heels.

We walked through the sporadic spots of light the street lamps projected. The houses were all massive, with well kept gardens and elaborate driveways. Hunter was very relaxed next to me. I had never seen him this. It was like he lowered the invisible wall he always kept between him and the world.

Surprisingly, it was Hunter who broke the silence. "Do you want to be a chef in the future?"

"Where did that come from?"

"You love food."

"Who doesn't?" I said. He gave me a look. Okay, maybe I loved food a little too much. "I actually want to be a vet."

"A vet." He nodded. "I can see that. You love animals."

"I do. They're... easy to understand. They just need food and love and shelter and they're happy," I said. "What about you?"

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