Chapter 8

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"Hop in."

I raised my brows at the car. I'd seen it around. I just never knew it was Hunter's. The sleek sports car was black and low. It would be a joy to drive. I leaned down against the open passenger side window. It looked as pretty inside as it was from the outside.

The car was parked in the very back of the school's parking lot. But most students had gone home already, so the way out would be clear. A few stragglers lingered around, chatting among themselves. But even they gave me looks. I guess people didn't usually approach Hunter's Jamison's car.

"Only if you let me drive," I said.

"No one drives this other than me," he said. "Hop in."

"I'll just send you the location and meet you there."


I sighed. I didn't particularly like telling people about my little thing, but Hunter and I would be spending some time together, if he liked the gym. It would be easier if he knew.

"I don't ride a car if I'm not driving it."

"Don't or can't?"

Perceptive, wasn't he? "Can't."

He frowned and looked ahead. I straightened and pulled out my phone to send him the location. The car door opening and closing had me glancing up. Hunter stalked around the car to stand beside me. Close enough for me to smell his cologne mixed with cigarettes. His usual smell. He was dressed in a plain white t-shirt and jeans, his hair messed up and his eyes darker than black. Even with no effort whatsoever, he looked quite handsome.

"Go on." He nodded to the car.

"Are you sure? You said you don't let anyone drive you."

He raised his brow. "Then I guess you're not just anyone," he drawled out.

My heart skipped a beat. Literally. I tucked in my phone, feeling my cheeks warm up. "Very smooth, aren't you?"

He winked and ducked into the passenger seat. Swallowing against my dry throat, I moved to the driver's side and slipped in. The car was as smooth as it looked. I expected he'd be fussy about someone driving him in his own car. He wasn't. He stared out of the window, lounging in the seat.

"Are you flirting with me?" I asked outright. Steering the car out of the parking lot and merging into the light traffic.

"Anyone ever told you you're too blunt?"

I chuckled at our little inside joke. "If you keep saying stuff like that, I might start to believe you have a crush on me."

"What if I do?"

I almost hit the car in front of me. I managed to push the breaks in time. The light ahead was red.

"Don't joke around like that," I said, my hands tightening on the wheel. Ow, my knuckles. I loosened my grip. "I might crash your car."

Hunter sighed and looked out his window. The silence this time seemed charged. Was he... angry?

The light turned green. The car rolled forward. Had I been rude by dismissing his words as a joke? But they were a joke.


I stole a glance at him. "Are you serious?"

"Never mind. Just drive."

He didn't even look at me. My eyebrows tugged down. I swerved the car to the side, parked it and turned in my seat to look at him. I hated not figuring out stuff. Hunter sighed and turned his head to look at me. "Why did you stop?"

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