── chapter two

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"NO WAY YOU Nelson asked you to watch their game!" Maya yelled, excited for Vienna. The brunette smiled at her friend. "Soon you two will be dating."

"Yeah right." Vienna scoffed, standing in front of the everyone else. She got to watch from the bench, meaning she could sit beside Nelson.

The RWE team came out and everyone went crazy, Vienna was shocked at all the people who came out to watch their game. She became shy when Nelson walked towards her. Everyone yelled his name.

"Thanks for staying to watch. Cam wants to talk to you after about basketball." He mentioned, smiling at her. "Your season is over right?"

Vienna nodded her head. "Good. Wanna shoot around?" He asked her, holding out the ball. Vienna smirked and grabbed it from him.

"1v1?" She asked him, dribbling the ball.

Nelson clicked his tongue and grinned ear to ear. "Ma you know I finna win this shit." He said guarding her. Vienna laughed when she managed to get pass him and got a lay up in.

"You sure, you got this?" Vienna had a cocky look on her face. Nelson shook his head, chuckling as he ran towards her, stealing the ball from her. Vienna gasped at him.

The two teenagers were having so fun together that they didn't notice kids filming them and Cam getting it on video.

The game was about to start and Vienna hit a three in Nelson's face. Everyone yell's boom, and Nelson's jaw dropped.

"No way she just did that." He exclaimed to the camera and Cam started making fun of Nelson. "Mother fucker." Nelson mumbles before running towards Vienna.

She yelped when Nelson grabs her and throws her over his shoulder. He ran into the huddle, still holding Vienna.

"What the fuck." Jordan points over to them, the camera pointing to them as well. Nelson smiled innocently, Cam chose to ignore it and began telling them what they were going to do.

They did their chant and Nelson finally puts her down so they could sit down. Nelson wasn't starting 5, he would play when they were up by 20.

"So, how long have you been playing basketball?" Nelson questions, looking over to her. Their eyes locked and then Vienna looked away because she was nervous.

"Practically my whole life."

"That's awesome."

The crowd chants Nelson's name, for him to go on. Nelson smiled and looked over to Cam who rolled his eyes and motioned him to sub in.

Vienna clapped her hands with he subbed in. "Go Nelson!" She screamed as he got the ball, he immediately shoots a three and it went in. "Boom!"

She stood up, holding up a three and Nelson passed by her, sending her a smile.

The game was done and Nelson had his arm wrapped around Vienna's shoulders as they walk to the room their stuff was in.

"Vienna." Cam called out and he held something behind his back. She sat beside Nelson and she looked up at him. "How would you feel if you joined our Girls team?"

The team yells at her to say yes and she smiled. "Hell yeah!" She exclaimed, Lavar picked her up, spun her around.

"Welcome to the RWE team, Vienna." Nelson smiled.

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