── chapter thirty

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AFTER THE GAME, they went back to their hotel and Vienna took a quick shower. She comes out of the shower with pale blue biker shorts and an oversize t-shirt.

Cassie bought a piece of cake from one of the stores, she wanted everyone to have a piece. Nelson and Vienna shared a look, knowing that they were going to do the tiktok they've been wanting to do.

Nelson took a slice, taking another one for Vienna and then brought it into the room. They sat at a desk and Vienna sat behind him, looping her arms in front so it looked like Nelson had small arms.

His phone was propped up against the wall and started laughing at how stupid he looked. They were doing the tiktok where Nelson doesn't uses his hands but uses Vienna's.

"Press record." Nelson said, forgetting that she couldn't reach nor can she see because he was literally in front of her.

"I can't fucking see, idiot." Vienna replies back, making him laugh and he leans forward for her to press record. "Did I do it?"

"Shh!" He quickly shushes her and she groaned. "Okay, today we're going to be having some cake that my mom bought me. Ya'll, I don't know but this looks bust as hell. So first, we gonna grab dome chocolate milk."

Vienna starts doing motions with her hands to match what Nelson was saying. He leans over to grab the chocolate milk, Vienna struggling to find it.

She opens the cap, tilting it slightly. "No!" Nelson screams but cuts himself off when she spilled some on his lap. They start bursting out in laughter. "Okay, well now it looks like I shit myself so."

Vienna brings the bottle up to his mouth, he struggles to drink it as she tilts it over and some pours out. Luckily they had a towel on his lap.

"Okay, now let's dig into the cake." He instructed, leaning towards the fork. "Take the fork. Vee, take the fucking— no not the knife! The fork!" He exclaims, having a voice crack at the end.

She successfully grabs the fork, using her other hand to touch the cake and then stabs the fork into the food. Nelson lets out a laugh when she brought the whole slice up, shaking his head.

"No, no, that's the whole slice Vee." He said with a joyful laugh, Vienna rips a piece off and succeeds to feed him. Nelson chews, swallowing it. "Mm, yeah, that's some good shit right there. 10/10 would recommend, I would actually lover another bite."

Vienna grabs the whole piece with her hand, Nelson laughing as she shoved it in his mouth. He tries to talk but of course it was muffled since he had his mouth full.

You could hear Vienna laughing in the back, grabbing the chocolate milk and bringing it up but ends up spilling it. "Vienna!" Nelson laughs, covering his mouth. They untangle their arms and roll on the floor, laughing so much.

Now it was Vienna's turn, you could see Nelson's head popping out since he was a bit taller than her. "Hello everybody." Immediately, she started laughing a lot. "I have this beautiful cake with me and Cassie bought it for me, I'm gonna have a few bites."

Nelson makes a circle with his hand, bringing it up to Vienna's mouth and doing a weird motion with it. Vienna shrieks, shaking her head. "Stop! Nelson, stop!"

"My bad." He laughs from behind her and then starts reaching for the cake.

"Oh, okay guess I'm digging in now." Nelson grabs the fork, cutting a piece and putting it in Vienna's mouth. She starts laughing, chewing the cake. "It's really good. Mm, yummy!"

He then reaches for the opened chocolate milk, throwing it at her face and Vienna gasps as it spilt all over her. "Nelson!"

He puts his hands up, indicating that he was shrugging his shoulders. "Okay, now I want another bite. This cake is too good—"

She was cut off when Nelson grabs the whole piece and smashes it onto her face. Vienna bursts out in laughter, turning her head to make him stop but he starts smudging the frosting all over her cheek.

"Nelson! Oh my gosh!" She exclaims in between laughs. She takes deep breaths to try to calm herself down. He untangles his arms and looks at her, laughing as well.

He puts both of his hands on her face, pressing a kiss on her lips. They pull apart while still laughing and the video ended there.

roan speaks!
just a cute little filler chapter!
i might post one chapter tomorrow
about their day in vegas so you
guys don't have to wait till the video
comes out!

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