Prologue-The Past

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The sun rays of dawn enlightened the fort walls and coutyard.The soft glare providing warmth to the guards who stood around,a sign to the bandi who worked around the fort that the time for their mistresses to get up and ready came closer.

A young bandi,Khaazra exited one of the khwaab-gaah,head turning frantically as she made her way through the open corridors before catching the attention of one of the senior bandi,Mahanoor who made her way towards the agitated bandi.

"Khaazra,is there a problem?" Mahnoor questioned gently as the young bandi froze at being addressed,lowering her head.

"Jee,ahhh.....Bakshi bano is missing from her khwaab-gaah."

Mahnoor chuckled,causing Khaazra to look at her with wide eyes,as if she could not believe what she had just said had brought the elder woman joy.She almost jumped out of her skin when the elder woman put a hand on her shoulder,gently guiding Khazra to walk beside her.

"It seems like Bakshi bano's other bandi did not inform you of what take place every third morning." That would be the most understandable explanation as to why Khaazra seemed to be unaware of where her mistress was at the moment.

Khaazra recognized the way that Mahnoor led her through the corridors,it lead to the area where the guards trained every morning,afternoon and evening,"Is this not the way to the training field,Mahnoor appa?"

"Every third morning Bakshi bano leaves her khwaab-gaah after offering her Fajr salaah,she then comes to this training field."

They exited the door,where the sound of clashing swords as they came to a stand still on the steps.Khaazra looked around,her eyes taking in the guards who shot arrows at targets followed by the spear throwing and then her eyes settled on two figures clad in white,sword dueling one another.

She caught a glimpse of her mistress face as she turned to counter an attack,Khaazra turned to Mahnoor,"Mahnoor appa,is that Bakshi bano?"

Mahnoor smiled,nodding her head as her eyes kept track of every movemnet that Bakshi bano made,a glint of pride in her eyes,"Jee,that is Bakshi bano.This will be every third day morning,with Bakshi bano's training."

Khaazra's eyes tracked Bakshi bano in awe,as she moved gracefully and quickly,"This is so unusual for a royal lady to be training in warfare." Khaazra looked at Mahnoor who still had her eyes on Bakshi,curiosity had her blurting out the question that had eaten at her since she had joined the palace.A question she had been told by other bandi to ask one of the senior bandi as they would be the most apt to answer her question,"How is it that the niece of the Shahensha,daughter of his brother lives so far from her father?"

Everyone knew that Bakshi bano's father,Mukhtar Ahmed Khan and the previous Shahensha,Hassan happened to be brothers.They were not blood related though,Shahensha Hassen's father,Shadab-ullah had married Mukhtar Ahmed's mother,Qisra Begum when she had been widowed and left the mother of a child.Yet,Shahensha Hassen had even then treated Mukhtar Ahmed as his brother,granting him the leadership of a fort and surrounding areas.Mukhtar Ahmed had even been married off to one of the nieces of Shahensha Shadab-ullah,Gulbadan begum.

Mahnoor looked at Khaazra,gesturing for her to follow.They walked back into the fort,as Mahnoor begun to talk.

"Mukhtar Ahmed Saab,had been married to Gulbadan begum because Shahensha Hassen had arranged it for them.Mukhtar Ahmed saab and Gulbadan begum had a relationship of love and respect.Then when Shahensha Hassen won the war with Sher Adam Khan,instead of killing his whole family off,it was decided that his daughter,Masuma begum would be wed to Mukhtar Ahmed saab." Khaazra followed Mahnoor to Bakshi Bano's kheaab-gaah,"Let's start organising here,while I tell you the story."

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