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"I'm going to have one of my nurses come in and do a full check-up on you in half an hour. We're still waiting for the OB," I tell my patient and her husband.

"Okay, thank you."

I smile and nod before leaving the exam room. When I get back to the nurse's station, I look at Bridget, "Are you busy?"

"No, why? What's up?"

"Can you take this case with me? I can't do it alone."

She stands beside me, "She's 17 weeks pregnant and there's no fetal activity. I checked twice. I'm waiting for an OB to come down and confirm it."

"Oh my gosh, yeah I can take it. If you want to sit this one out, I can handle it."

"I want to see it through. I'll be fine. I just can't do it alone."

"Of course. What do you need?"

"The OB is supposed to let me know when she's coming down. I need you to do a full workup. I would do it but I know I'll start crying."


"Don't say anything to them about fetal activity. She fell going up the stairs a couple of days ago. They think everything is okay. If I'm right, I'll have to deliver and so I'm going to need you in there."

"Of course. I'll stick with you. How are you?" she asks, concerned about my well-being.

"I really want to cry right now."

"I know."

"I couldn't imagine losing a child that late in a pregnancy. I could hardly handle eight weeks and I didn't even know about it."

"We're going to give you both some space. If you need anything, please let us know. Take as much time as you need," I tell our grieving couple.

"Thank you," the husband says quietly before we walk out.

I put my head down after getting back to the nurse's station. That was rough. I sigh, "That sucked."

"It's never easy."

I sit back in my chair, "I think I get why Christian was so suffocating and I now I feel terrible for shutting him out because he was just trying to help."

"I think it's better that you know that now."

I shrug, "What a way to end my week."

"It's Wednesday."

"I took tomorrow off to find a car."

"You're off for the entire weekend?"

"No, Sydney decided she would put me down for Friday night because I'm taking tomorrow off."

"She's ruthless with you. Seriously? Like it's a punishment."

"I'm getting overtime so it's fine but yeah, she doesn't stop with me."

"She doesn't know it yet but she'll regret it."

"I'm waiting for that day."

She laughs, "What car are you looking at?"

"I don't know. I loved my Toyota Highlander and I'm so pissed the engine was shot. I haven't even had it for two years."

"I love my Lexus and I think you would love it."

"That's what I've been thinking about but I'm not sure. I'm still researching cars. I feel like I shouldn't buy a car around here because I know it'll be more expensive in the city. I've thought about going up to Green Bay and looking around there."

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