Don't Bother.

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"It's not looking good," I tell Christian.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm really trying to get out there for your MVP stuff but they have yet to grant anything for it."

"Maya, it's fine if you can't. Of course, I want you out here but if you can't get the time, don't worry about it. Did you at least get that week in December?"

"Yeah, that got approved."

"If that's all you can get, that's fine."

But it's not. I know how badly he wants me to be there. "I plan on talking to HR when they get here in the morning."

"You're at work?"



"I wanted more hours."

"Are you busy?"

"Not really. I'm waiting for something to come in."

"What are you hoping for?"

"Well, I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone but I would love to be kept awake during this graveyard shift."

He laughs as I get up to refill my coffee tumbler. My pager beeps, "And I spoke too soon."

"Always happens at the worst times."

I leave my cup and start walking toward the ambulance bay, "I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, be safe."

"I will."

We hang up and I shove my phone in my pocket. I grab a gown and gloves, "What's coming in?" I ask one of our new nurses standing by the doors.

"Car vs tree. The patient was extricated. Alert and conscious, complains of neck pain and seems to possibly have a dislocated shoulder."

"Okay. Have you ever reset a shoulder?"

"Not by myself."

"You're going to learn. I'll walk you through it and then I'll decide if he needs surgery, okay?"


I lean against the wall, resting my eyes as I wait outside the offices of HR. "Maya?" one of the HR representatives asks.

"Yes, hi."

"Morning are you just getting here?"

"I've been here all night."

"Oh. Did you need something?"

"Um, yeah, I've requested a couple of days off in a couple of weeks and they still haven't been approved. I just want to use my vacation days. I don't need PTO."

I follow her into her office, "I'll make a note of it and look into it. Can I ask why you didn't request it earlier?"

"I didn't know about it until two weeks ago. I tried to get it in before Sydney submitted the schedule but was a few days late."

"I'll look into it."


I leave her office and head down to the ER. I pull out my phone to text Christian.

Me: Really, really hoping I can get these days off. I'll let you know about everything later. If I don't answer, I'm taking a nap.

I run into Bridget, "Heading out?"


"Anything good come in?"

"Car vs tree. But he's fine."

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