I Am.

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Getting home, I make sure to unpack and repack all of my bags for the morning so I can save some time to sleep in.

I go into my bathroom and get unready from work. I start my shower before taking my contacts out. I check my phone while the water heats up.

I go through all of my socials and text messages hoping to see if Christian texted me. He didn't. I think we're on hour 24 of him not texting me.

After my shower, I make dinner for myself, saving the leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. I sit on the couch, cuddled with my blankets, and throw pillows while watching a rerun of Friends.

I'm not going to worry about our communication until he gives me a reason to worry.

I get up to get a snack. Popcorn seems like a good snack. My phone starts ringing in the living room. I look at my watch to see Christian calling me. Not FaceTime, an actual call.

I rush to my phone so I don't miss his call. I answer, "Hi," I say quietly.

"Hey, um, I had Collin leave a few things at your door. He should've just dropped them off."

A few things? What does he mean? "Okay..."

I find my slippers before opening the door. I'm surprised to see Christian standing on the other side of the door. He takes his phone away from his ear.

"Why didn't you go home?"

He shrugs, "I didn't like how we left things. I wasn't going to leave when things weren't good."

I nod. "Are you busy? Can we go somewhere?"


He steps inside my house as I get my coat from the kitchen. I can feel the tension. It's noticeable.

I grab my keys and meet him at the door. He lets me go through it first. I pull my coat together as I walk around his car. I turn on the seat heaters on as soon as he starts his car.

He backs out of my driveway, "How was work?"



"Where are we going?"

"Just up the road."

He drives through my subdivision, ultimately ending up in the newer area where there are new homes, homes currently being built, and lots for sale.

He pulls into a certain lot, shining his brights on the dirt. "I didn't leave Milwaukee just because I didn't like how we left things. Obviously, that was a huge factor but when I was waiting for my gate to open, Collin called and told me that they were dropping prices on some of these lots."

He grabs my hand, "I asked you in the first place because I wanted to do this with you. I understand you have a home. I know you love your home. It's close to work. It's perfect for you. But I'm starting to think about us now. Us as a couple. Us as a family. I can't help but not think about it."

"Whether you like it or not, I'm finalizing to buy this land with Collin. I haven't met with a contractor or anyone of that sort to have the house built. So I'm asking you again because this isn't going to be something quick. I'm assuming it'll be done before the 2022 season. Obviously, I don't know when it would be done. But I want to do this with you."

It will take just as long to get to work as it does now. It won't be done until next year. I have time to get my shit together. "Please say something."

I look over at him and nod, "Okay," I tell him.

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