Last Minute.

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Christian and I wake up a few minutes apart from each other. I decided to stay in bed today. It's finally nice enough to have the windows open all night. I wake up to the birds and it's so peaceful.

I could fall asleep to their songs. Neither of us has said anything to each other. Not because something is off but because it's so peaceful right now. Neither of us wants to ruin the peace.

Last night was odd. We kissed. We both thought of some things last night. Things I would've never thought about. I'll admit that we did drink too much last night. We hardly had anything but I'm sure both of us are not used to drinking.

I hold onto his hand as it lay over his chest. He keeps his arm around me. "What's on today's plate?" he asks.

"I need to get groceries and gas today. I think that's it. Oh, I think Bridget was supposed to come over later but I can tell her not to."

"For what?"

"I'm still helping her study for her exam. It's coming up soon."

"Well, I don't mind. If she doesn't care that I'm here, then go ahead."

He sits up, "I'll go with you."

"You want to go grocery shopping with me?"

He shrugs, "Why not?"

"You're going to hobble around behind me?"

"I can use my crutches. They're just in my car."


"They're in my car."

"You're telling me that you've had your crutches this whole time. I could've just walked out to your car and grabbed them."


He looks back at me as I stare at him. "What?"

"I'm thinking of more synonyms to start calling you other than stubborn and stupid."

He laughs, laying down again, this time on top of me, "Take that back."

"Not happening."

He kisses me, "What about now?"

I shrug. "You're going to do that to me?"

"You should expect it."

I move from under him and get out of bed, "Are you actually coming with me? I want to leave soon."

He stands next to me in the bathroom as I get my toothbrush and toothpaste, "I'm going."

"We're stopping for coffee," I tell him.

"Don't have to tell me twice."

My oven timer beeps as I highlight a few things for Bridget, "Christian, your food."

I get up after he doesn't answer. I take his food out of the oven and place it on the stove. "Is he asleep?" I ask Bridget since she can see him.

She turns around, "Yeah."

I take the highlighter I was using and toss it at him as he sleeps in the chair. He jerks but doesn't wake up.

I go over to him, "Christian."

I look back at Bridget to see if she's watching. When I see her reading again, I look back at him. I take the highlighter off his chest before kissing him quickly, "Wake up."

He finally wakes up, "You could do that again."

"Your food is done."


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