Chapter 24

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Author's note: This chapter may feel a bit weird because here Declan still is playing for West Ham, but in this alternative universe he never leaves 😁


"Shouldn't we knock? What if she's home?"

"She isn't. She said she was going out with Roberta to that art gallery."

"But are you sure it wasn't tomorrow?"

"It was today."

"I still think we should knock just in case. What if she changed her mind and we ruin the surprise?"

"Philip, can you please stop talking and open the door?"

"Fine" he sighs.


"See? There is no..."

"Mum!" I scream when I hear them walking into the living room.


"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I live here?" I snort.

"Weren't you going to that art gallery with Roberta?"

"That's tomorrow, mum."

"Told you..." my dad whispers.

"What are you doing over there, tho? Where is your shirt? Are you... Eleanor! Is there someone else with you on that sofa?"

"I..." I mumble, looking down.


"What? No! I'm with... I'm..."

"Hello" Declan says with a shy smile, sitting up.

"Rice!" my dad says. "I knew it!"

"What are you talking about? Who is this boy?" my mum asks.

"This is Declan. My boyfriend."

"Your what?" she yells.

"My boyfriend" I repeat. "You knew I was seeing someone."

"That's... That's... Philip, say something!"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Your daughter is half naked with an also half naked boy! A boy she says is her boyfriend!"

"And?" he shrugs.

"And? And? Philip!" my mum says, hitting him in the arm. "This is not ok!"

"Why not? This is her house, and she is an adult. She should be able to do whatever she wants and with whoever she wants."

"Thank you, dad" I say.

"She should... Did you know about this, Philip?"

"That it was a thing, no. That they fancied each other, yes. I've known for months."

"What?" my mum and I say at the same time.

"I already told you, Ellie. I noticed the way you looked at him when we met him before the World Cup. And I also noticed the way he looked at you, the smiles you shared..." my dad shrugs.

"Wait a minute. The World Cup? Please tell me he isn't one of them."

"One of them" I chuckle. "Mum, he is just a football player."

"Exactly!" she yells. "You can't date a football player! You are a princess, the future Queen! And he is..." she says, dramatically moving her hands in the air.

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