Chapter 33

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"Are you sure we can stay here? I don't want to bother anyone."

"You won't be bothering anyone, Eleanor. Don't worry."

"Thank you so much for this, Mark. We didn't know where else to go" Declan says.

"Anything for you, guys" Noble replies.

This had been Declan's great idea: hiding at Rush Green, West Ham's training center. It was a private area with its own security, and they have small apartments for the players to spend the night when needed. It has everything to be the perfect place, even David agreed on it.

"I just hope the paparazzis won't bother the other players when they arrive for training. They will definitely check each car."

"Everything will be under control, don't worry" Noble says, giving me an encouraging smile. "All you have to do now is make yourself at home and check if you need anything, like a toothbrush and things like that. And don't worry about dinner, we'll ask them to bring you something."


"I'm sorry I got you into this mess. Again" I say to Declan once Noble has left.

"It's ok, don't worry."

"No, it isn't ok. You didn't want any of this, that's why you broke up with me. And now I'm dragging you back into it and when you are having an amazing season. It isn't fair."

"Have you been keeping up with my games?" he smiles.

"Of course I have. But that's not what matters right now."

"Then what is?" Declan asks while putting a lock of hair behind my ear. It is something he would do all the time when we were together, usually without thinking, and that would make me feel all fuzzy inside. This time, it hasn't been any different.

"That I should have gone somewhere else and leave you alone."

"Eleanor, I don't want you to leave me alone."

"What?" I say, meeting his eyes.

"In case you haven't noticed, I still love you. It's been almost three years, and I haven't been able to stop loving you. And the fact that the place you chose to hide after running away from your family and your boyfriend, was my parents' house, tells me that you also love me. Well, that, and what happened before our nap" he smiles while caressing my cheek.

"But we... This..."

"I'm ready to give us another chance, Eleanor. I know it is gonna be tough, the toughest thing ever. The press will probably be ruthless when they find out, the fans too. But I know I am ready to fight against it all, I know I want this. Us."

"Are you sure?"

"Never been more sure of anything in my entire life. I've thought about it and discuss it with myself and those who know me better than I know myself many times over the years. I've cried, got angry, sad, hopeful... And my final conclusion after all that is that I'm done with being afraid and denying what I feel. That I love you, Eleanor. I love you and I want to be with you. Always and forever."

"Say that again, please."

"Which part?" he chuckles.

"All of it. And my name, you know how much I like that."

"I love you, Eleanor. Always and forever."

"I love you too, Declan" I say before kissing him.


"And? How was it?"

"It was fine" Declan says, letting himself fall on the sofa next to me.

"I need more details."

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