Chapter thirteen

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The ball had been an amazing celebration, bringing together Brielle with her extended family, including her grandparents. Despite the joyous occasion, sleep eluded her. As she navigated the quiet halls of her home, memories of a painful past resurfaced, a weight she couldn't easily shake off.

"I need some fresh air," she murmured to herself, casting aside her blankets. In a quick motion, Brielle donned her robe and slippers, taking a moment to check on Aylee, peacefully asleep on the couch. Grabbing her phone, she quietly left her room.

The hallway remained silent, providing a comforting backdrop as she closed her door gently. Another door opening caught her attention, and she turned to find Francis emerging.

"What are you doing up?" they both asked simultaneously.

"I can't sleep," Francis admitted.

"Me neither. Want to take a walk?" Brielle suggested. Francis shook his head, but the duo soon found themselves strolling down the hallway, choosing the side garden suggested by Francis as their destination.

Perched on a bench in the peaceful garden, Brielle couldn't keep her emotions at bay. "So, why couldn't you sleep? It's your birthday," Francis inquired. Brielle looked at him, tears welling up.

"There's something I haven't told you or Aylee," she struggled to express. "I endured more than just beatings. My stepfather had friends, cruel friends, and they... they..." Her words trailed off.

"Did they...?" Francis gently probed, understanding the unspoken details. Brielle nodded, and Francis pulled her into a comforting embrace.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you," he whispered into her hair. As Brielle attempted to share more, her words became muffled in her tears. Francis gently wiped away the tears and encouraged her to continue.

In the vulnerable admission that followed, Brielle explained the horrifying events from her past, her voice reflecting both the pain and the resilience that she carried. Francis, in turn, offered consoling words and reassured her of her worth.

"Brielle, darling, you shouldn't ever think that no man will love you. You are worth all the love in the world," he affirmed. Brielle nodded, acknowledging his words. Francis posed one final question: "How old were you?"

"Eight," Brielle answered softly. "I was eight years old."


Blake was roused from his sleep by Aylee's exuberant jumping on his bed. Her infectious energy filled the room as she declared, 

"Come on, it's your birthday!" She leaped off his bed and dashed out, even pushing past a groggy Francis, who grumbled a half-hearted warning. Aylee responded with a playful finger gesture.

Amused, Blake chuckled and rose from bed, slipping into his robe and slippers. Glancing at the already ready Francis, they both descended the stairs together.

"Good morning, birthday boy," greeted Jackson. But before Blake could fully process the greeting, Jonathan sneaked up behind him, grabbing him in a move that startled him.

Reacting instinctively, Blake swiftly freed himself from Jonathan's grasp and playfully put him in a headlock. "Blake," Jonathan wheezed, prompting Blake to release him. Jonathan, in a cast, assured him it was okay, noting that Blake was gentler than Brielle.

As the morning continued, the family enjoyed a delightful breakfast with waffles served by Damien. With dishes cleared away, it was time for Brielle and Blake's presents. Following Francis and Aylee's guidance, they closed their eyes and were led into a beautifully decorated living room.

Upon opening their eyes, they were met with a room adorned with hanging bangers and scattered balloons. Each sibling was directed to a specially decorated chair. Brielle took her place in a gold-adorned seat, while Blake settled into one adorned with silver decorations.

Oscar and Oliver approached, presenting birthday stashes and crowns. The family shared laughter and joy as the birthday celebrations continued. Even Gideon, adorned with his own birthday stash, added a touch of whimsy to the festivities.

The room was filled with anticipation as Damien announced, "Ok, presents." The celebration continued, marking a joyous occasion for both Brielle and Blake.


"Okay, so this one is from everyone," Vincent announced, handing Brielle and Blake a gift bag. With excitement, they took it and began unwrapping the tissue paper inside, revealing little Eiffel Tower keychains for Brielle and skyscraper keychains for Blake.

"I love it," they both exclaimed simultaneously.

"Well, you are going there," Jonathan remarked, causing Brielle to gasp and Blake to freeze. Overwhelmed, Brielle gently set down Gideon and proceeded to hug each of her brothers and her father. Blake, still in shock, finally snapped out of it, looking up to his sister with a mix of surprise and joy. They were going to the places they had always dreamed of—Brielle to France and Blake to New York.

"Okay, last one," Damien announced, sitting up. Brielle and Blake followed him outside, where another surprise awaited them. As they stepped out, Brielle froze, mirroring Blake's reaction. There stood a greenhouse.

"Is that my greenhouse?" Brielle asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's all for you," Damien confirmed. Overwhelmed with emotion, Brielle started to cry. She hugged Damien tightly before rushing towards her new greenhouse, the others following behind. Brielle explored the space, her tears a mix of gratitude and joy. Francis mentioned she could use it during the winter, adding another layer of happiness.

The rest of the family stood in their greenhouse when Peter entered. "Excuse me," he said, capturing everyone's attention.

"Yes, Peter?" Oliver inquired.

Peter conveyed that there was someone here to see Blake and Brielle, prompting everyone to turn their gaze towards the door. "Theo," Brielle breathed out, her voice filled with surprise and delight.

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