Chapter Twenty-two

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It was about two hours later. Brielle and Blake had fallen both asleep on each other's shoulders.Gideon laying in the middle of them on his back asleep as while. Damien stopped the car and turned around saw his kids asleep. Just then he heard his parents come out of the house.

"where are my grand babies" Their grandmother Scarlett asked. "nice to see you two mom." Damien said. Scarlett rolled her yes at her only child. Damien walked around and open the door on Brielles side. Scarlett came over and shook her.

"Brielle, Blake get up you are at your grandparents house" she said. Brielle woke up first and smiled when she saw her grandma. Simon came out and smiled at his son. Then went to get the twins bags.

"Hi grandma" Brielle said, this woke up Gideon . Who moved into Brielle.

"Hi sugar come on out guys." Scarlett said. Taking there book bags which sat on the ground.

Brielle unbuckle and held onto Gideons leash. Getting out of the car, Blake did the same thing on his side.

"This must be the handsome Gideon" said Simon. Brielle looked down at her puppy proudly. "yes grandpa he is"

"Well he is just a cutie, now say Bri were did you get the name Gideon anyway." Scarlet asked getting down to pet him.

"um criminal minds, Jason Gideon" Brielle said.

"oh neat, so lest give you a tour of the house" Simon said leading into there mansion.


The weekend went by faster than ether of the twins would have liked it to go. They were now home and training in the backyard.

"you are losing your technique" Brielle told her brother after dogging his punch again.

Blake sighed at this, going to hit Brielle again only for him to come down on the ground. "You have lost your technique"

Blake laughed at this and so did Brielle. Who held out her hand for him. Blake held took it and got up.

"I can't believe our life Brielle" Blake said. "Me either, we have so much to be thankful for" Brielle answered.

Then snow started to come down. "Looks like it going to be a whole Christmas, Now lets go in I want to take a nap"

Brielle said starting to walk away. Blake waited a few minutes and admired snow.


Brielle walked down the hall way. Making her way to the greenhouse. "Frannie" she Called out.

"Im over here princess" Francis said sitting at there normal table.

"Are you all packed and ready to go." Brielle asked him.

The Storms were going to spend Christmas in Paris. Brielle passed out when she found out.

"of course princess" Francis said.

Alyee and him were all tagging along. Francis paying for Aylee.

"Ok so we leave at 6:00 am" Brielle said.

Francis smiled and pulled out the stole next to him. "I know sweetheart"

Brielle took a seat and smiled at him. "That another one" she said taking out her math homework. Since the greenhouse was closed for the winter.

"Another what" asked Francis looking at Brielle curiously.

"Nicknames you have for me. Bri, Princess, Darling and now sweetheart" Brielle explained writing down the answer for the question she was on.

"I just like calling you nicknames Princess, good to see you are working on that" He said getting out his math book. Starting to copy Brielle.
"Ok so I thought we could go ice skating and then get like so pastry" Aylee said finishing her hair.

The two girls we're getting ready for there trip. It was currently 5:00 am.

Brielle had made sure everyone was packed. Yelling at Blake, Johnathan and Jackson who hadn't packed.

"Ok we are all ready" Brielle said. She had finished her carry on.

Alyee smiled and picked up hers. There luggage had been picked up by the drivers awhile ago.

"Shawl we go get the boys" Brielle asked.

Aylee took her arm and they exited her room together. Knocking on Blakes door. "Good morning sister" Blake said when he opened his door.

"Good morning I thought we should fetch you i think that breakfast will be ready" said Brielle. Blake agreed and exited his room. Francis going behind him.

"good morning princess" He said once he saw too Brielle.

"Good morning Frannie" Brielle greeted back. Francis put his arm around Brielles shoulder and started to walk away. Blake held out his arm for Aylee should take.

"By the way I have a surprise to you when we get to Paris" Francis whispered.

"I know better then too ask, but I am really excited to see what you have planned' Brielle said.

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