Chapter sixteen

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Blake looked at the football game. He didn't understand it at all, but he was here for his sister and Aylee, who he can't help but say he has a crush on. He was fourteen now, so he guessed he could have a crush.

He looked down at Brielle and Aylee and saw Francis standing there talking to them. He smiled at this. Francis Rosemen, his best friend, was very fond of his sister. He was the same way with him. Blake soon heard the ground starting to cheer. He looked at his father and brother. Johnathan was staring at Haley, Jackson was texting someone, and Oliver, Vincent, and Victor were cheering. Well, Oscar and Damien were reordering Brielle.

Blake went back to looking at Aylee, who was doing cheer. He then looked up at the game, trying to see what was so special about it. The game ended soon, and he was glad. Blake and the rest of the Storms waited for Brielle, who came down with her cheer bag and had put on her jacket. She was talking to Aylee, who said goodbye when Francis called her over.

"Hey sweetie," Damien said as Brielle walked up to him.

"Hi, Dad," she said back.

He held out his hand to take Brielle's bag, which she gave. "Ok, let's go," Damien said, then started walking down to their car. When Megan and her mother stopped them.

"Are you Brielle Storm?" the woman asked.

"Yes, Ma'am," Brielle answered politely.

The woman's hand came up and was going down like she was going to hit Brielle. Megan was behind her, smirking. Brielle stared at her and caught the woman's hand without looking away from Megan, who got a look on her face.

"Megan dear, I'm guessing this is your mother. Now unless you want her hand broken, you better tell her to back off," Brielle said in a cold voice. It was the kind she used when she gets mad or feels threatened.

"Um, Mom, back off," Megan said, her voice starting to shake. She had never heard Brielle give that voice, and it scared her. Brielle let go of her hand, and Megan's mom walked away. Megan's mom looked up at Damien.

"Do you know that your daughter is mean?" She shrieked out. Brielle cringed at this; she now knew where Megan's voice came from.

"No. Cause if I am current, your Megan over there is the bully. Brielle even got it on video. Now, if you ever try to hit my daughter again, I will make you regret," Damien said back. He then turned to Brielle and said, "Let's go."

The rest of the Storms went to their respective cars, with Brielle laying her head on Blake's shoulder. As the car pulled out, Blake laid his head on her head, and both fell asleep. Damien smiled at this. The twins had been with his boys and him for less than two months; it had been amazing. 

He saw the light come back into the boys' eyes, also getting to see Brielle and Blake open up. They started therapy soon, which Brielle was not happy about. She hated talking to people. What she liked to call her social battery needed recharging. Blake didn't mind; he was more sociable than Brielle, just like Aylee. Well, Brielle was like Francis.


"Theo, you have to stop looking at everyone," Brielle whispered to Theo, who was standing next to her at her locker. He had started school a week ago, with Blake showing him around.

Theo had also been rescued when his parents were killed in a car accident, and he was sent to live with his grandpa. He was still getting used to life outside of the training, outside of his attic room. His only company was Brielle and Blake. He would have to get used to this way of life. Brielle said he would have to appear calm. He did this by looking at every single person who walked past him. Theo stopped once Brielle told him. He was startled when the bell rang.

"Blake will lead you to your next class. Try not to kill anyone," Brielle said as she turned to walk away.

"Isn't she going to the same class?" asked Theo, seeing her walk away.

"No, Theo, she has her greenhouse club with Francis," Blake answered.

"Francis really likes her?" asked Theo as they walked.

"Yeah, he does," Blake responded. Theo smiled at this. Even though most people think he has a thing for Brielle, he doesn't. In fact, he sees her like his sister. Who knows what he had been through.

Soon, the two boys got to the class, following Blake as he went to sit down with Aylee and Lola.

"Hey, Blakey," Aylee said, getting out her notebook.

"Hey, who's this?" Blake asked, looking at Lola.

"This is Lola; she is Bri and my new friend," Aylee explained.

"Nice to meet you," Blake said. "This is Theo." He pointed to Theo, who was looking at Lola. "You are beautiful," Theo said, making Lola blush. She pushed up her glasses and smiled. "Thank you," she said.

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