Chapter seventeen

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When Brielle was five, she found a flower outside her small window. She gathered up enough courage to ask her mother, who surprisingly said it was a flower. It was one of the rare times she was nice, telling Brielle all about flowers.

It made Brielle smile. However, Bertha quickly snapped out of her niceness and beat her. That was the first time Brielle saw a flower and got her first scar. She looked at it in her mirror.

That was the reason she always wore tights or high socks, and why she always covered her arms: to hide the scars, like she had been doing her whole life. She was hiding under this strong persona, but she knew one thing for sure—Brielle would have to get over this and always put on a brave face.

"Brielle, are you okay, sweetie?" she heard her father ask. Brielle quickly pushed her skirt down and went to open the door.

"Yeah, Dad, I'm fine. Just getting ready for school," she said.

"Okay, Bri, I was just a little worried you weren't downstairs like normal. I will be waiting downstairs for you; we can have our cup of coffee, and I will get you water," Damien said. Brielle nodded at this, and Damien left. Brielle and him had this little thing they did in the morning. Since they were both early risers, they made a little tradition out of it.

Damien, who usually was downstairs first, would get coffee ready for himself and water for Brielle, as she was only used to drinking water. Every once in a while, he would make her tea. But coffee was too much for her, just like soda-pop. Water was what he chose. Brielle and him would also read the newspaper, which her brothers said made her seem like a grandma.

Damien got everything ready, and Brielle was down a few short minutes later. They both sat at the table and drank their drinks. About 30 minutes later, the Storm brothers came running down the stairs. "It sounds like a bunch of bulls running," Brielle whispered to Damien.

"Yeah, I know," he whispered back. They both giggled. The boys walked in, one by one, going to give Brielle a kiss on the head. Brielle smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" Jackson asked.

"Is it a boy? Have you fallen in love?" Jonathan teased. This made all the Storms look at Brielle, who just shook her head. "Who needs a boyfriend when I have Chanel and Dior. No, I'm just thinking about my plants," Brielle giggled out.

The boys all shook their heads and went back to what they were doing before. Brielle was happy about her plants. The fall ones were in bloom.

She also would dry some herbs and flowers before winter hit, the main reason for her smile.

She realized she had her family. She always had Blake. But now she had her father, brothers, and her extended family. Brielle also had a great best friend and some other friends. She had something else to be strong for them.


Blake finished his presentation on the history of paint, and the class erupted into applause. "That was lovely, Blake. Please go sit back down," the art teacher, Ms. Musselman, said. She was a peculiar person, always keeping her hair back with chopsticks and having a fondness for crystals. Despite her quirks, Blake held a deep appreciation for her.

He returned to his seat next to Aylee, who complimented him on his presentation. "Thanks," Blake replied.

"Did Brielle set up the PowerPoint?" Aylee questioned.

Blake looked surprised. "How did you know?"

"Because Bri is a perfectionist. It was in perfect order. But I know you did the research," Aylee said with a knowing smile. Blake grinned in response and refocused his attention. He had been attending therapy for about two weeks now, a stark contrast to the events just four months ago when he was trapped in a basement with Brielle. Now, he was here, showcasing his personality confidently.

It took some time for the twins to fully embrace their individual personalities after years of hiding them. Blake remained serious, but he had grown into a happier person. His style had also evolved, leaning towards simpler clothing choices. Despite Jonathan and Jackson's attempts to persuade him, Blake refused to wear basketball shorts.

Blake found himself becoming more like Aylee, sharing a similar vibe and style. He had anticipated being different from his family, but he found solace in the similarities he shared with Aylee. He also had Francis, who reminded him of Brielle in certain aspects, but that was a story for another time.

As the bell rang to signal the end of class, Blake waited for Aylee and offered her his arm, which she gladly took. "Great, it's finally lunch. I am starving," Aylee exclaimed as they walked. "Me too. Let's find Bri and Francis. Theo and Lola will meet us at the usual lunch table," Blake suggested.

"They are both outside practicing archery," Aylee informed him. Blake nodded in understanding as they headed towards the side door leading to the school's practice area. He held the door open for Aylee as they stepped outside.

They found Brielle and Francis at the archery range. Brielle was preparing to shoot, with Francis by her side holding her quiver. Brielle released the string and hit the bullseye.

"Good job, princess," Francis praised her. Brielle smiled at him and held out her hand, and he placed an arrow in it.

"Have you noticed how they even match in their school uniforms?" Aylee commented. Blake shook his head in response. Brielle and Francis resembled Aylee and him, but they were more reserved, only showing their true selves around close friends and family.

Brielle and Francis even dressed in the same style, often unintentionally matching. Today, they both wore the school's skirt, sweater vest, white flannel, and tie. While they had the same colored shoes, Brielle wore pearls and her Tiffany bracelet, adding a unique touch.

"Bri, Francis," Blake called out to them.

"Yes?" Brielle responded.

"It's time for lunch," Aylee called out.

"Okay, let me get the arrows. Franny, you go join them," Brielle instructed, retrieving the arrows from the target. Francis nodded and joined Blake and Aylee. Brielle soon followed.

"Let's go," Brielle said, and Blake led the way, holding the door open for everyone. Before heading to the café, they stopped at Brielle's locker. After putting away her bow and arrow and retrieving her bookbag, Brielle handed Francis his bookbag.

"Thank you, princess," Francis said.

"You're welcome, Franny," Brielle replied, closing her locker and locking it. The four of them made their way to the café. As they walked in, they were greeted with the sight of a big fight. Lola came running up to them.

"Hey, Lola, what's wrong?" Brielle asked concernedly.

"It's Theo. He beat up a guy."

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