Chapter twenty-four

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Time goes by when you're having fun.Well the twins have got to agree with that. They were back home. Christmas and New Years were amazing.

Brielle was being asked questioned out of question. By her therapist. Dr. Black.

"What do you want me too say" Brielle finally snapped.

"I just want you too open up to me" Dr. Black said.

"Fine, what do you want to here. That I have been through hell and back." Brielle said. "That I was violated every single week for eight years or I have been trained to kill since I was five, killed more than 50 people there is that what you want" Brielle cried out. "That I never knew any type of love beside my brothers. We were abused by the person who suppose to love us beat us, staved us, put chains on our legs. Is that what you want to hear"

Dr. Black went quiet for a moment. Before she could say something, there was a knock at the door.

"come in" she said. Damien walked into the room. Dr. Black instantly standing up and doing a bow.

"Don" Dr. Black said.

"Hello, Brielle it is time to go" Damien said holding out Brielle coat for him.

Brielle got up from the love seat. She had been a crying mess just a second ago. Now she was all happy. Dr.Black was both concerned and impressed.

"See you next time" Brielle said leaving the room.

Damien thank her and followed his daughter. The car ride was silent.

When Brielle and him were home and she went to lock herself in her room. Going to her closet. She slide down the door and started to cry.

Why couldn't her mom love her.

Laughter filled the room. Francis had cracked a joke. Brielle and Blake found themselves up at their grandparents house again. This time bringing three friend group. Scarlett and Simon in took a liking to the group.

When the glass breaking behind a couch of the giant living room window. With retested gunshot fired in the back.

Everyone got down trying to take cover.

Through the broken window came in mask guys with guns and wearing all black. "everyone on there knees"

Damien and the rest of the brothers held their guns up. But the make men grabbed onto Brielle and Blake by the hair. "Put them down or they get it"

The boys did as they were told and put their guns down and got on their knees. "You must be Brielle we been looking fro you" One of the mask men said.

Brielle looked over at Blake. They knew what they had to do. The two took the people that were holding them and got free. Which caused them to dropped their guns. The twins instantly grabbed the guns.

Shooting the two guys off. The rest started to charge at them. Blake grabbed a big piece of glass on the floor and Brielle followed.

They got into position. Backs to each other.

Taking down on attacker after another. Till there was only one left.

"I'm sorry I give up" he said.

"Get on your knees, then take your mask off" Blake damned him too do.

The guy did what he was told. Then took off his mask. "Hey i know you" Brielle said once she seen his face.

"Yeah, you were in a training course with us" Blake added.

"Yea I was, I remember you Brielle. You were always the favorite. Cause when you killed you didn't hesitate" The boy commented.

"Yeah well I want you to something for me" Brielle said going to crouch down in front of the boy.

"What is it" He asked. Brielle gave him a sweet smile.

"Go tell the master that I am coming for him" Brielle said.

"I can't go back to him, can you imagine what he will do to me for not finishing my mission" the boy said in fear. Brielle grabbed his hand.

"You shouldn't worry about what he would do too you" Brielle said then dropped her smile. She then took the gun and shot him in the hand. "You should worry about what I'm going to do to you for coming after my family. Now go tell him" Brielle said. The boy left out the window.

"Now I know why they called you the red death" Vincent said.

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