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Harvest Adams is the Captain of Leviathan. You must refer to him as Alpha

WE WALKED INTO another hall, this one with way better lighting I had to say, looking more like a large dojo.

Punching bags, wrestling mats, and everything else that would transform a net-less gym into a large dojo, of some kind were spread all around us.

I had noticed the horn symbol displayed right above the door of the room before we walked in, letting me know that this was an official training room for the leviathans.

We took a position by the edge of the room, making a straight horizontal line, toes just right behind the thin pale blue line that lined the dojo.

I felt a little bit uncomfortable as there was always someone looking at me, or whispering lowly after the stunt Lucas and Harvest had pulled back there.

I glanced to my side noticing two girls whispering to each other in the line, eyes dashing momentarily back to me.

I stood straighter looking ahead so that was unable to see them, but only wound up looking at the grey-suited students I assumed held higher positions in this so-called team of ours.

There were exactly 3 students in grey, 2 boys, and of course Lira, all having the leviathan symbol above their left breast indicating they all belonged here.

They stood before us a few feet away, listening to whatever it was Harvest was saying to them.

I couldn't hear anything from this far, watching as Lira nodded to what Harvest was telling her visibly gulping.

Harvest stopped talking looking directly at our line, jaw ticking.

My eyebrows arched and I slightly turned seeing Raskei by the door, a solemn look on her face.

Without another word Harvest left, his coat and authority trailing behind him before disappearing out the door with Raskei.

I didn't understand this behavior at all. Wasn't a captain supposed to be addressing his team?

The three other students in grey approached us, Lira folding her arms as the boy beside her with a clean-shaven head and a partly shaved eyebrow spoke.

"Hello, my name is Talon," he began before looking at his friends, "this is Lira and Micheal. We will be your mentors for the combat classes in this cycle. We are meant to guide you and train you to prepare for the Inter Colors Games and of course- the Arena," He explained eyes trailing down the line.

A hand rose from one of the girls who had been gossiping before, and Talon turned towards her.


"Uh-is h-he gone?" she stuttered out, eyes darting back to the door seeming very hesitant.

Talon glanced back at his colleagues before looking back at the girl, "he' he began formulating the word, "is your Captain," he gruffly informed folding his arms,

"Harvest Adams is the Captain of Leviathan. You must refer to him as Alpha- the term used for every Captain of every team," he informed us and my eyebrows arched at the term.

I glanced momentarily at the others but they all seemed much too taken by Talon to spare glances at each other I assumed.

"And yes," Talon continued, "this is only one cycle class and there are roughly 9 other teams that make up the Leviathan. It is up to the three of us to get all of you up to speed with the rest before the Inter-color Games in 2 months and of course, the practice matches next week where each of you will be required to participate...fully."

"Practice match?" the girl echoed, "next week? We know absolutely nothing about anything," she huffed folding her arms, a tough look on her face.

I raised an eyebrow at this admiring the courage she had to display that sort of attitude in an environment that was not a comfort zone.

"And I just had my nails done, so I can't afford to mess them up," she added showing her hand.

I cringed momentarily at this-

"Nala!" her friend whispered lowly, trying to stop her from going further.

"What?!" she fired back at her friend, looking at her wide-eyed, "I'm just saying! Plus, this suit isn't even my size, how am I supposed to train in something TWICE my size," she gasped looking down at her body.

It seemed perfect to me.

"And it's heat absorbent, we haven't even started and I'm sweating like a pig," she sighed shaking her head, "I wish he hadn't left because I would like to speak to the so-called Alpha," she added, placing a hand on her waist.

I looked at her with intrigue not believing she had the guts to say all that. It seemed everyone else seemed speechless at her behavior, Talon looking at her like she was crazy.

These were the kind of girls I had only thought I'd see on television but seeing a snotty bratty teen such as her made me feel surreal.

Lira rolled her eyes walking past Talon to the girl.

"Guess what princess, you're here to train so eventually, well hopefully in your case, we do put in something in that empty head of yours. The practice matches have been designed especially for amateurs such as yourselves- so for the first time in your life- zip it you gossipy little silver," she huffed unapologetically like the 'I don't give a damn' Lira I knew,

"oh and those nails aren't as cute as you think, do yourself a favor and rip 'em out!" she dragged watching the girl's jaw drop with a satisfied sigh, leaving her staring back at her wide-eyed before Lira returned to her position.

She took in a deep breath in, her shoulders falling and a calm expression overtaking her features turning to Talon, "continue."

He paused for a moment chuckling to himself before turning towards us, a smile on his face.

"Before we begin, we will have to test your abilities and see where they would best serve the overall team," Talon continued, eyes trailing over each one of us.

My breath hitched, my fists tightened, and my breathing shortened. This was it. This was the day I was going to get caught.

I had no ability or dilect to show, and there was no Prime around to save my butt this time around.

Micheal, the last of our mentors who hadn't said a word yet, whispered something into Talon's ear. He paused momentarily before nodding, Lira moving toward the bleachers and walking to a nearby bag, pulling out a big black book and a pen.

"Before that, we would like each of you to write down your full name and your color please," he added gesturing toward Lira who had taken a seat on the bleachers, "one by one and then have a seat by the bleachers," he informed.

We all nodded and followed the setup in the line, each one of us writing our names and our colors in the book that seemed to be some sort of attendance register.

I printed mine right after Mr. Bulldozer who had somehow found himself directly ahead of me.

I took a seat on a few benches up at the side of the dojo, looking down into the combat room. This room was identical in every way to the basketball courts only forfeiting in size as this one seemed much larger and of course the absence of the hoops.

Talon stood in the center of the Dojo looking up at us, clicking his pen, starting with the first on his list, an abrupt pause when he read it.

"Nala Longman- Silver."

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