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"GOOD NEWS sugarplum, Harvest was right," Miss Moonshine smiled, propping my leg up on a pillow.

"Just a minor sprain sweetheart, nothing to worry too much about."

"The skin around it did swell quite a bit, so much so actually that I did think you might have broken something, for a moment there, but that doesn't seem to be the case now does it darling?" she asked her eyes shining as if hinting that she knew something.

I glanced at Lira who stood beside my bed, not particularly paying attention as she crossed out something in the book she had carried.

My gaze shifted back to the nurse.

Nodding for a second though my eyes couldn't quite reach hers, and she chuckled lightly.

"All I'm sayin' is you had one heck of a guardian angel," she added, her southern twang evident, before looking back at Lira.

"Now, you will have to excuse me, ladies. I have other teams to take care of, " she sighed, "she should be good just as long as she doesn't step on it for the next few hours."

Lira looked up at her nodding before glancing back down at me.

"You know what? Take tomorrow off, sugar, just to be safe," she sang, winking at me.

I smiled softly at this and she huffed nodding firmly.

"I'll see you, girls, around," she added, singing a 'Stay safe!" as she walked out of the door, closing the door.

I watched her for a second before my eyes drifted back to Lira who had gone back to check a few things in her book, seemingly unbothered.

I let out a short breath, my eyes dropping to the black book in my lap.

"You know he likes you right?" Lira suddenly stated and my eyes snapped up to her but she was still busy with her book, yet I refused to believe she couldn't feel my eyes on her.

I confirmed this when she put the book she had been holding away, letting it swing in her hand beside her.

My eyes narrowed on her, heart a soft beat within me.

"I just thought I should let you know, you know," she paused, "because sometimes you can just be a tiny, little bit slow," she dragged plainly with a shrug.

My eyebrows arched, at this and she drew nearer to me,

"Harvest is a hard book to read, and no matter how..." she trailed off shutting her eyes and shivering, "yucky it seems, and how he is bad at showing it to someone who is naturally clueless, it's quite apparent to me," she stated, "he looks at you differently," she stated causing my heart to beat faster.

"Is this why you were so upset about Claire's big news?" she asked with a soft chuckle as the crevice in my forehead deepened, "because he chose her to be his protege," she paused, her eyes narrowing on nothing in particular, "no- you were angry at him," she stated with an added chuckle, "because you like him too."

My lips pursed in a straight line and she raised an eyebrow at me, "the funny thing is you don't even realize it," she chuckled with a whistle shaking her head.

"Knowing how Harvest hates waiting for anything, you probably frustrate the heck out of him."

I frowned deeply at this recalling that he had said those words before.

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